Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 24, 1994                   TAG: 9403240162
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: TIJUANA, MEXICO                                LENGTH: Medium


The man expected to become Mexico's next president, Luis Donaldo Colosio, was shot twice Wednesday during a campaign appearance in the border city of Tijuana, the Mexican office of the presidency said.

Colosio, the candidate of Mexico's ruling party, was rushed to General Hospital, with gunshot wounds to the head and upper body. A hospital spokeswoman said doctors operatord on the less-serious wound in the lower body first, then had started a second operation on the head wound.

An unidentified surgeon, interviewed on the Televisa network, said Colosio's wife, Diana, and a Roman Catholic clergyman were summoned into the operating room.

In Mexico City, President Carlos Salinas de Gotari, on national radio, lamented the attack as an "infamous act." Colosio's death was confirmed by an official statement from Salinas' office. "This is an attempt against a

noble human being, a good man who sought only to serve his country," Salinas said in a brief message before the death was announced. He said he had ordered his attorney general to Tijuana to head the investigation. Mexican TV

reported two people were involved and that both were arrested. Their identities were not immediately known.

Colosio, 44, has been controversial ever since President Carlos Salinas de Gortari named him Nov. 28 as standard-bearer for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which has ruled Mexico for decades.

Critics complained his free-market economic policies were too close to those of the Salinas administration, which have brought little improvement to Mexico's poor.

Colosio was bleeding profusely from the head when he was put into a campaign car and rushed to the hospital, witnesses said.

The crowd jumped on the assailant, who appeared to be in his mid-20s, and beat him.


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