Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, March 27, 1994                   TAG: 9403270060
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C-12   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: CHARLOTTESVILLE                                LENGTH: Short


Virginia avenged a loss to Johns Hopkins in last year's Division I men's lacrosse tournament by beating the Blue Jays 11-8 on Saturday at Klockner Stadium.

"This is the kind of win that stands up for you," said UVa coach Dom Starsia, whose first UVa team lost to the Blue Jays twice last year. "Beating Johns Hopkins is always an event."

Fifth-ranked Virginia got three goals from junior midfielder Greg Traynor, who has 12 goals in the past three games. Three other players had two goals, including Andrew Dausch, a scholarship wide receiver for the UVa football team.

"I thank [football] coach [George] Welsh for the fact Andrew is with us every day," Starsia said. "This time a year ago, he would practice football in the morning and, if we were lucky, we'd get him for our game in the afternoon."

Second-ranked Hopkins trailed 3-1 early before forcing a 5-5 halftime lead, but it was all UVa thereafter. The Blue Jays got as close as 8-7 before consecutive UVa goals by Sean Miller, Dausch and Traynor.

Hopkins scored the last seven goals against UVa last year for a come-from-behind 14-10 victory in the NCAA Tournament. Terry Riordan and Brian Piccola, who combined for seven goals in that game, had three Saturday.

Starsia, whose Cavaliers entertain Roanoke College at 3 p.m. Saturday, credited goalie James Ireland for his best day as a Cavalier.

 by CNB