Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, March 29, 1994                   TAG: 9403290153
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Chili cooks wanted

Got a hot or a cool chili recipe? The Virginia Championship Chili Cookoff wants you!

Applications are now being accepted for the event, which will be held May 7 on the Roanoke City Market.

The cookoff, sanctioned by the International Chili Society and now in its 15th year, is coordinated by the Virginia Friends of Chili, a nonprofit organization of individuals and businesses who promote the state cookoff.

Trophies and awards will be presented to the top five chili cooks and to cooks with the best-decorated booths. Showmanship trophies and an award for the cook traveling the farthest to the cookoff will also be given.

The top chili cook will represent Virginia at the World Chili Cookoff to be held in the fall in Reno, Nev. Round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations are part of the winner's prize package.

For information and applications, call cookoff chairman Mary Beth Hurley at 562-1839. Entry dealine is April 15.

Senior pageant

The Ms. Virginia Senior Citizen Pageant is seeking both planning committee members and contestants.

The second annual pageant will be held Aug. 25-27 in Patrick Henry High School's Clara Black Auditorium in Roanoke.

Contestants, who will be judged on interviews and talent, must be 55 or older by Aug. 25, 1994. Entry deadline is Aug. 1.

The committee that will pull the event together meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the LOA Area Agency on Aging's offices, 706 Campbell Ave., Roanoke.

For more information or applications, contact chairman Dotty Talbott, P.O. Box 239, Dublin, Va. 24084, 674-5534.

 by CNB