Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, March 30, 1994                   TAG: 9403300120
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Charley Pell is now a believer. The former Florida football coach, who tried to kill himself last month, also is something of a teacher.

"Suicide is a horrible, horrible last-ditch effort," Pell told The Florida Times-Union in an interview nearly two months after the Feb. 2 suicide attempt and his 17-day treatment for depression.

"I hope people who suffer from depression can understand from my experience that it's not the only choice," he said.

Pell, who coached at Virginia Tech in the mid-1970s, tried to kill himself by linking a hose from his car exhaust pipe through a window in the vehicle. He was suffering from severe depression, brought on by family and business problems, and his ouster as the Gators coach in 1984 for recruiting violations. Pell was so convinced that he couldn't go on living that he even picked out his casket and decided who was to deliver his eulogy.

He was found in time and suffered no permanent damage from the carbon monoxide poisoning.

And now Pell knows there was a reason he tried to end his life.

"I believe without a doubt that I survived that suicide attempt for a reason," Pell, 54, said,"that God had a hand in me not being successful.

"To the people who took time to call or write and who prayed for me, I want to thank them very much."

 by CNB