Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, March 31, 1994                   TAG: 9404010269
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Tech grad hired as Salem horticulturist

Salem has hired a horticulturist just as the city must replace many trees damaged by the winter's ice storms.

Beth Carson, who was a horticulturist intern in Salem in the summer of 1988, has taken over the job from Debbie Sinex, who went to a new job in Macon, Ga.

Carson is a native of Grayson County and a graduate of Virginia Tech.

Before coming to Salem, she worked as city horticulturist in Waynesboro.

Teens eligible for firefighters

NEW CASTLE - Teen-agers younger than 18 can become volunteer firefighters with the Craig County/New Castle Volunteer Fire Department.

The department's board of directors recently changed its bylaws to remove the age restriction to attract more volunteers.

Anyone interested in joining can get more information by attending a meeting any Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the fire station in New Castle or calling Chief Ronnie Price at 864-5774.

Craig County Scouts uniform exchange

NEW CASTLE - A Boy Scout uniform exchange has been established in Craig County in an effort to make uniforms available to boys who might not otherwise be able to afford them.

The idea was originated by leaders of Troop 132, sponsored by the New Castle Fire Department.

The Clothes Closet, in the former New Castle High School building, is cooperating in the project by being the central point for the exchange.

Juanita Murray, operator of the Clothes Closet, will handle the Scout uniforms along with other clothes she collects and distributes to needy people in the county.

Janet Gober, a former Cub Scout leader and a program organizer, said full or partial uniforms of Cubs, Webeloes and Boy Scouts are needed.

 by CNB