Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 6, 1994                   TAG: 9409060075
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Arrests for driving under the influence kept Roanoke and state police busy during the Labor Day weekend.

According to a news release from Maj. J.L. Viar, Roanoke police made 16 DUI arrests Saturday and Sunday, including arrests of three habitual offenders and three people with one prior DUI offense each.

Eleven of the arrests were made between midnight and 3:55 a.m. Sunday, the release said. Five were made on Orange Avenue, where police had set up a DUI checkpoint. Six of those arrested live outside the Roanoke Valley, according to the release.

State police Sgt. Vern Jones said DUI checkpoints on Hardy Road and on Virginia 311 at Dutch Oven Road netted only one DUI arrest. The checkpoints did, however, result in 38 arrests on other traffic charges, including reckless driving and 10 arrests for driving with a suspended license.

Jones said troopers on regular patrol also made several DUI arrests, but no major accidents had been reported as of Monday evening.

Salem police Lt. James H. Stump said he knew of no DUI arrests in Salem during the weekend. He said they did not have a checkpoint.

Information on arrests in Roanoke County was not available Monday evening.

 by CNB