Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 8, 1994                   TAG: 9409080098
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO  
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Suddenly, a perfect game in bowling no longer is a rarity in Roanoke.

Fresh on the heels of a pair of 300 games rolled at Hilltop and Lee-Hi lanes last week, Scott Gibson turned the trick Wednesday night at All-Star Lanes.

Gibson, a 31-year-old Roanoker who carried a 187 average last year, rolled 12 consecutive strikes on the opening night of play in the All-Star Triangles League. He finished with a 660 series, rolling 168 and 192 in the other two games.

Gibson, who bolted from All-Star to celebrate and was unavailable for comment, had bowled only three games all summer, according to his father, Eddie.

``He bowled those three games in the state tournament about a month ago and hadn't bowled since,'' Eddie Morgan said of his son. ``I guess that shows you what practice means.''

Eddie Morgan said his son's previous high game was a 287.

Scott Wright, competing in the same league with Morgan on Wednesday, nearly made it a pair of perfect games, rolling 11 strikes in succession before missing and settling for a 290 game.

Memo: ***CORRECTION***

by CNB