Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, September 10, 1994                   TAG: 9409280021
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE: LEBANON                                 LENGTH: Short


Rural Retreat led 20-2 after one quarter and cruised to a 61-27 victory over Lebanon on Thursday in a Hogoheegee District game.

Tanya Tarter and Beth Ketner spearheaded the assault of the host Pioneers, Tarter scoring 18 and Ketner 12.

Rural Retreat (61)

Tarter 18, Ketner 12, Simons 2, Rosenbaum 6, Kell 4, A.Grubb 6, J.Grubb 4, Corvin 7, Hale 2.

Lebanon (27)

M.Puckett 8, C.Puckett 4, Alsup 4, Vencill 2, Walls 4, Brown 1, Lucas 2, Rhea 2.

Rural Retreat 20--12--11--18-61

Lebanon -2---8---6--11-27

JV: 37-30, Rural Retreat

Covington 55

Rockbridge County 32

Bessie Laws scored 16 points to pace a balanced attack as unbeaten Covington (3-0) rolled to an easy non-district girls' basketball victory over Rockbridge County Friday.

Rockbridge County, winless in four games, was led by junior Tonia Clements and Brandi Sorrells with 11 points apiece.

Covington (55)

Shawver 6, Helton 6, C.Laws12, B.Laws 16, Jeter13, Venable 2.

Rockbridge County (32)

Schneiter 2, Austin 4, Wallace 2, Clements 11, Hambrick 2, Sorrells 11.

Covington 12---8--13--22-55

Rockbridge County -5--12---4--11-32

Three-point goals: None.

JV: 38-27, Covington.

 by CNB