Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 14, 1994                   TAG: 9409150010
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


George W. Logan was named Center in the Square's new board chairman Tuesday.

Logan is chairman of the board of Valley Financial Services. He also serves on the boards of Community Hospital and the Western Virginia Foundation for Arts and Sciences.

He was named chairman at the board's annual meeting Tuesday in the lecture hall of the Art Museum of Western Virginia - a Center tenant.

He succeeds Warner Dalhouse, who is stepping down. Dalhouse will continue to serve on the board as chairman of the executive committee.

Logan, a Salem resident, pointed to financial stability in an era of diminished public funding and making all segments of society feel at home in the downtown arts center as objectives for his tenure. ``If I have a personal goal it would be that there is not a person in our community who does not feel perfectly at home in Center in the Square,'' Logan, 49, told the board.

In a release, the new director also called the Center ``vital to this community in its role of education, economic development, tourism and cultural activities.''

Dalhouse had been chairman seven years. He said it was his desire to step back.

``It`s time to begin to phase back a little,'' said Dalhouse, 60. ``It was my idea. I suggested it to the executive committee. I will continue to have a close and abiding interest in Center in the Square. I think it's one of the best things to happen to this community in my lifetime.''

Also Tuesday, the board named eight new board members to three-year terms: Thomas R. Brock, George B. Cartledge Jr., H. Lawrence Davidson, Lucy R. Ellett, Pearl Fu, Barbara B. Lemon, Kathryn B. McQuade and John D. Wilson.

The board also named six former board members directors emeriti: George B. Cartledge Sr., G. Frank Clement, Sigmund E. Davidson, David R. Goode, Anne B. Hammersley and Betty Carr Muse. All but Goode, who has left the area, were on the board until this week. Several are founding members.

 by CNB