Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, September 16, 1994                   TAG: 9409160052
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-4   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium



In light of President Clinton's very popular decision to de-link trade and human rights in dealing with the communists in China, do you favor lifting the 30-year trade embargo on Cuba?

- Eric Sheffield, Buena Vista COLEMAN: "President Clinton was clumsy in the way he tied human rights issues to trade in China, and he was forced to back down. The embargo against Cuba was directed against a dictator in our back yard who was actively exporting communist revolution in the Americas. We can lift that embargo only when we have guarantees that Castro will behave himself in the international community."

NORTH: "I disagree that President Clinton made a 'very popular decision' to de-link trade and human rights in dealing with the communists in China. It was one more example of the uncertain direction of the current president's foreign policy: a hard line in linking trade and human rights and then backing down the next year. I do not believe we should lift the trade embargo on Cuba until Cuba makes substantial progress toward more freedom and more respect for human rights for its people."

ROBB: "I oppose lifting the trade embargo against Cuba. In fact, just two years ago, I voted to support the Cuban Democracy Act, which tightened the economic embargo even further by restricting U.S. trade through foreign subsidiaries. When Castro allows democracy and market capitalism to flourish in Cuba, then it might be appropriate to consider lifting the embargo."

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 by CNB