Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 21, 1994                   TAG: 9409230053
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Martinsville Speedway has renewed its telecast contract with ESPN, signing a multiyear extension for markedly increased dollars as the television competition for NASCAR Winston Cup events grows keener.

The short-track oval has a Winston Cup weekend contract with ESPN that runs through 1995, and will pay the speedway $150,000 for the Goody's 500 on Sunday. Next year, the rights fee for each of two Winston Cup shows climbs to $175,000.

It is believed the new contract is worth more than $1 million annually starting in 1996, although ESPN, in announcing the agreement Tuesday, would not divulge the length or terms of the deal. A source familiar with telecast negotiations among NASCAR tracks and networks said The Nashville Network has been offering at least $500,000 per race to tracks.

Martinsville Speedway president Clay Campbell would not comment on the terms with ESPN, and said the Henry County track could not negotiate with TNN because it still has a working contract with ESPN.

``We've heard what TNN has offered to several other tracks,'' Campbell said. ``It wouldn't make sense for us to sign with ESPN for less, would it?''

No, which indicates Martinsville is getting more than $500,000 per race in the new deal. Martinsville also rarely signs sponsorship contracts for more than three years, which would take the ESPN deal through 1998.

``ESPN promotes itself as the leader in motorsports coverage,'' Campbell said. ``We think that's right. ESPN has always done an excellent job here, and their new commitment is a tribute to the growth and popularity of NASCAR racing.''

At least $1 million annually is a huge jump from the track's first ESPN deal, which paid $420,000 for nine races from 1988-92. That deal was renegotiated in 1990, for a combined rights fee of $1.4 million from '91-95.

Martinsville's contract with TNN for its Grand National showcase weekends in March and October runs through 1996.

 by CNB