Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 21, 1994                   TAG: 9409230066
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-7   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: WILMINGTON, DEL.                                LENGTH: Medium


A jury awarded $34 million Tuesday to the ousted president of Dart Group Inc. in the latest twist in a messy and public family fight for control of the book, auto parts and real estate empire.

The U.S. District Court jury decided Robert Haft had been fired without due cause by his father, 73-year-old Dart Chairman Herbert Haft.

``I won't be going back. There's too many problems there,'' Robert Haft, 41, said afterward. ``I'm going to start another business or be associated with another one.''

The two-week trial was one of a number of legal fights among members of the wealthy Haft family, whose holdings are estimated at between $500 million and $1 billion.

Robert Haft's jury award, reached after about three hours of deliberations, granted him exactly what he had sought: breach-of-contract damages of $18.8 million from Dart Group, $12.8 million from its Crown Books Corp. subsidiary and 100,000 shares of Crown, valued at $2.4 million.

His attorney, David Hensler, said he expects Judge Sue Robinson, who presided over the trial, to also award an additional $1.5 million in Crown stock in a related action.

Attorneys for the Dart companies declined to comment.

Robert; his mother, Gloria; and sister, Linda, hold a 25 percent interest in Dart Group.

Another battle is being waged between Ronald Haft, 35, and his father for control of the remaining interest in Dart, Crown Books, Trak Auto Corp. and Combined Properties Inc., the family's real estate company.

Ronald was appointed by his father last year to replace Robert as president of Dart.

But on Monday, Herbert Haft filed a lawsuit accusing Ronald of misappropriation of funds from Combined Properties. Ronald Haft, in a lawsuit filed last week in Delaware Chancery Court, is seeking controlling interest in Dart Group.

``They're fighting each other for control and that's destructive,'' Robert Haft said Tuesday. ``Unfortunately, neither of them is focusing on the business.''

When asked about the prospects of a family reconciliation, he said: ``I'd always be open to reconciliation on a family basis. I don't wish to be related on a business basis.''

 by CNB