Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, September 22, 1994                   TAG: 9409240045
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: NEW ORLEANS                                LENGTH: Short


The presidents of five universities - Cincinnati, Louisville, Memphis State, Southern Mississippi and Tulane - are to meet in Atlanta today to discuss a possible conference merger.

The presidents of the Division I-A schools will consider a merger of the Great Midwest and Metro conferences, as well as the formation of a breakaway conference consisting of those five schools and possibly Houston and East Carolina.

Tulane sources quoted by The Times-Picayune newspaper said the breakaway conference had the best chance of taking hold. The sources said some of the five schools would prefer a six-team conference, the minimum required by the NCAA, and adding only Houston.

Adding East Carolina and Alabama-Birmingham, which will play Division I-A football beginning in 1996, is a possibility, the newspaper said.

The six-team conference apparently would satisfy Louisville, where basketball coach Denny Crum has said he likes the small seven-team Metro Conference - which includes Virginia Tech for all sports but football - because it allows him to schedule big-name opponents in January and February for television.

It also would allow the Cardinals' football program to schedule six non-conference games.

The merger of the two conferences seems a long shot, the sources said. Also, a breakaway conference with basketball schools Marquette and St.Louis, said to be a possibility two weeks ago, appears to be dead.

 by CNB