Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, September 27, 1994                   TAG: 9409290020
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Dudley Moore won over his Carnegie Hall audience with a classical piano performance that proved he has serious talent.

Then came the encores.

With the stage to himself, Moore seemed more like the irreverent playboy of his ``Arthur'' movies than the Oxford-trained musician who mastered Grieg and Beethoven.

He pounded out a P.D.Q. Bach routine, played what he claimed was Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu in C Sharp Minor while singing ``Daisy Bell,'' and delivered a lost Schubert composition titled ``Die Flabergast.''

And he turned the theme from ``The Bridge on the River Kwai'' into a classical sonata with numerous codas, climaxes and apparent endings followed by even more codas and climaxes.

The evening, Saturday, was a benefit for Music For All Seasons, which provides music at hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and schools.

C.C. Dyer Rivera, wife of Geraldo, gave birth to an 81/2-pound girl, Simone Cruickshank, Saturday in Manhattan's Lenox Hill Hospital. Unlike the couple's first daughter, Isabella, 22 months, who was conceived after much medical intervention, Simone came about the old-fashioned way. The talk-show host has a son by a previous marriage, Gabriel Miguel, 15.

Martin Ciccone, Madonna's brother, has been in Oakland County (Mich.) Jail for more than 11 weeks for want of $2,500 bail. He was arrested July 9 in Pontiac and charged with drunken driving, fleeing the scene of an accident and driving with a revoked license after his car crashed into an oncoming vehicle. No one was injured. Madonna couldn't be contacted to see why she hasn't sprung for the dough.

 by CNB