Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, September 28, 1994                   TAG: 9409280041
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 10   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Greg Edwards
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


IN RECOGNITION of the sacrifices of the region's veterans 50 years ago during World War II, we take the following look at a selection of headlines from the Pacific, Europe and the home front for the week of Sunday, Sept. 24, through Saturday, Sept. 30, 1944:

American Marines had resumed their northward advance on Peleliu in the Palau island group, winning approximately three-fourths of the island and killing 7,020 Japaneses in nine days of bloody fighting.

President Roosevelt's cabinet committee on German peace policy had split wide open over a plan sponsored by Treasury Secretary Morgenthau for completely destroying Germany as a modern industrial state and converting it into an agricultural country of small farms.

President Roosevelt accused Republicans of aping the New Deal to get votes and charged Thomas E. Dewey and other GOP campaigners with lying in the Nazi pattern. Roosevelt, who was addressing the Teamsters union in a speech broadcast to the nation, said after the war the American people would move forward to the greatest achievement by free men the world had ever known.

Thousands of glider troops swept in to help relieve British parachutists trapped by the Germans around Arnhem in Holland. Patrols from the U.S. units had made contact with units of the British 2nd Army near the upper branch of the Rhine.

In Italy, U.S. forces had smashed through the center of the German Gothic line and were looking down on the Po Valley of northern Italy while the British fighting on the Italian east coast had pushed out into the Po plains.

The London Daily Mail charged that travel permits into liberated European areas were being given to American businessmen and others were being discriminated against. Allied headquarters announced it would investigate reports that private individuals were being transported into liberated Europe contrary to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's order against such activity.

Paul ``Dizzy'' Trout pitched a six-hitter for his 26th victory of the season as the Detroit Tigers beat the Boston Red Sox 8-2 and eliminated the Sox from the American League pennant race.

Close to 2,000 Allied planes from bases in Britain and France bucked 60 mile-per-hour winds and torrential rains to bomb German industrial targets in the Ruhr and positions in the Calais area of France.

Russian troops on the ninth day of their powerful northern offensvie had vitrually freed all of Estonia.

The Roanoke Democratic Committee chairman accused the Roanoke Times of being a Repubican newspaper in a Democratic city after a newspaper editorial criticized the committee for protesting City Council's appointment of a woman to the Juvenile and Domestic Relation's Court bench.

 by CNB