Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, September 30, 1994                   TAG: 9409300038
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jean Bosue, a Haitian refugee accused of attempting to rape a Southwest Roanoke woman in June, testified Thursday that the woman solicited sex from him and then shot him in the chest after he refused.

Bosue, 25, was charged with attacking Angela Shepherd June 7 at her apartment on Westover Avenue.

At Bosue's trial Thursday, Shepherd testified that he pushed his way into her apartment, pinned her to the floor and unbuttoned her shorts.

That's when Shepherd said she pulled a .25-caliber handgun from the front pocket of her shorts and shot Bosue while he was putting on a condom.

"I wasn't looking at him the whole time; all I was trying to do was get the gun out of my pocket," she said.

Shepherd testified that she also had seen Bosue the night before when she was in the laundry room and he and another man began making sexual gestures at her through the window.

The woman said she returned to her apartment and told her boyfriend what happened. He exchanged words with the two men.

Shepherd said she saw the men the next day at 8:30 a.m. when she went out to look for her cat.

The 25-year-old woman said Bosue attacked her when she opened the door a few minutes later to go look for her cat again.

"Before I knew anything, he was already on me," she said. "I didn't even know what hit me."

Testifying in his own defense with the help of an interpreter, Bosue told the Roanoke Circuit Court jury a different story.

Bosue admitted seeing Shepherd through the laundry room window, but denied making any obscene gestures. He said he didn't understand why the woman's boyfriend began yelling at him.

Bosue said he didn't see Shepherd again until the next morning, when she made several visits to the apartment he was staying in across the hall from hers.

The first time Shepherd knocked on the door, Bosue said, he thought she was apologizing for her boyfriend's behavior the night before.

Bosue said Shepherd returned moments later.

"When I opened the door I realized it was a woman," he said. "She lifted her T-shirt so I could see her breasts. The only thing I understand was when she said, 'You like?','' he said.

Bosue testified that he then shut the door.

Bosue said Shepherd was waiting in the hall when he left his apartment a few minutes later. He testified that the woman took his hand and led him into her apartment.

The woman then pulled down her shorts, exposed herself and handed him a condom that was already unwrapped, he testified.

Bosue said he unzipped his pants and put on the condom while Shepherd lay on the carpet and began making sexual gestures.

Bosue testified that he suddenly became scared that the woman's boyfriend would return, so he zipped his pants back up while still wearing the condom.

He testified that Shepherd then put the gun to the side of his chest and shot him. He cried out and fled the apartment.

Bosue, who speaks only Creole, had been in Roanoke only four days when the incident happened.

Closing arguments in the trial are scheduled for this morning.

 by CNB