Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 6, 1994                   TAG: 9401060261
SECTION: NEIGHBORS                    PAGE: N-7   EDITION: METRO  
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


PETROLEUM MARKETERS INC. of Roanoke has received a presidential award from CITGO Petroleum Corp. for outstanding service to the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon.

Petroleum Marketers, which raised more than $80,000 in its 1993 campaign, is a co-sponsor in CITGO's national sponsorship of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

CITGO and its distributors have raised more than $11.5 million in contributions and pledges during their eight-year sponsorship.

\ ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY recently received $10,000 from the Junior League of the Roanoke Valley to help fund the 1994 Household Hazardous Waste Day.

The May 7, 1994, event will provide an opportunity for residents to dispose of hazardous household wastes in an ecologically safe manner.

For more information, contact Carolyn Wagner at 772-2130.

\ CATHERINE LIGHT JONES and WARREN M. HATCH, employees of John Norman Inc., recently received service awards from the store.

Jones of the Towers store received the Donna Mundy customer service award for extraordinary service to customers during 1993.

Hatch of the Tanglewood Mall store received the John D. Norman salesmanship professional award, which is given to the person who most exemplifies the degree of salesmanship for which the late John Norman strived.

\ PAM BERG HORNER, founder of the Roanoke-based Blue Ridge Chapter of the Accredited, Public Relations Society of America, received a 1993 Presidential Citation at the group's national convention held recently in Orlando, Fla.

The award is presented to society members exhibiting distinguished service and outstanding performance in a leadership position.

Horner was also elected secretary of the Mid-Atlantic District of the society at the convention.

\ VICTOR W. GRAVELY of Roanoke has been promoted to adviser in the marketing and customer services department of Appalachian Power Co.

He achieved more than 100 percent of his 1993 marketing sales goal.

Gravely, a 1986 graduate of Virginia Tech and 1993 graduate of the United Way's Minority Leadership Enhancement program, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman "Knott" Gravely of Roanoke.

\ THE ROANOKE VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF LIFE UNDERWRITERS honored outstanding life- and health-insurance agents at a recent ceremony.

Those receiving the National Quality Award - based on policy sales over a 13-month period of which 90 percent are still in force - included:

Chartered life underwriter/certified employee benefit specialist - Robert C. Bye.

Chartered life underwriter/chartered financial consultant - F. Courtney Hoge, James A. Ford, James H. Watson.

Chartered life underwriter - William M. Claytor, George N. Cooper Sr., Michael Thomas Francisco, Linnie Robert Hall, Patrick L. McDonald, Stephen A. Musselwhite, Joseph H. Surkamer Jr., Danny Wayne Wilmer.

Financial insurance counselor/life underwriter training council fellow - Robert A. Jamie, Darell L. Semones.

Life underwriter training council fellow - James W. Bailey, Randolph C. Bell, Garland E. Calhoun, Thomas W. Hahn Sr., Joseph Leonard Hale, Gregory S. Hicks, Carl B. Matney Jr., Rolland K. Morgan, Anthony J. Mullins, Ira B. Overstreet, Jack Sale, Millard M. Trussell Jr., Robert Alton White.

Life underwriter training council fellow/chartered life underwriter - Michael R. Thomas.

Other agents - Wayne F. Barlow, Bev S. Cundiff, Thomas E. Davis, Dennie P. Denison, N. Lee Dooley, Bruce Daniel Elliott, David Dean Graybeal, Jeffrey T. Hall, Ronald H. Leiser, Hong Ki Min, Henry B. Monsour, Ellis J. Moses Jr., D. Bruce Porter, Billy E. Sample Jr., William H. Spencer III, Darlene T. Taylor, Toni Kerfoot Walker, A. Dean Wilson.

Those receiving the National Sales Achievement Award - based on the ability of insurance agents to explain and sell policies available to individuals - included:

Chartered life underwriter/chartered property and casualty underwriter/chartered financial consultant/associate in risk management - Joseph H. Gwinn.

Chartered life underwriter/chartered financial consultant - H. Leon Louthern Jr.

Chartered life underwriter - Francis J. Foley, Michael Thomas Francisco, Stephen A. Musselwhite, Danny Wayne Wilmer.

Financial insurance counselor - Marshall L. Clark.

Life underwriter training council fellow - Rolland K. Morgan, Anthony J. Mullins, Robert J. Sculla.

Registered health underwriter - William K. Munzing.

Other agents - James W. Burgess, Christopher R. Caveness, Bev S. Cundiff, Dennie P. Denison III, Shirley H. Feazell, Allen L. Felts Jr., Randall Scott Fisher, Paul J. Houston Jr., Henry B. Monsour, D. Bruce Porter, Billy E. Sample Jr., Ellsworth G. Snyder, Darlene T. Taylor, Janet J. Whitfield, H. Holt Woodbury Jr.

Those receiving designations as life underwriter training council fellow were: Larry A. Anders, Kelly H. Austin, Margo S. Brake, Patricia H. Burley, Franklin D. Butler, Truman B. Combiths, Randolph F. Dolan, Joseph I. Gilkison, Thomas E. Hale, Joyce B. McElwaine, Anthony J. Mullins, John E. Osborne, Frederick W. Price, Roger L. Rakes.

\ KENNETH KLINGER, president of Klinger Consulting Group, recently received the Julian Wise award from the Safety Council of Southwest Virginia. The award is given to a person who has contributed to community safety.

Memo: ***CORRECTION***

by CNB