Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 7, 1994                   TAG: 9401070099
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Country singing duo Naomi and Wynonna Judd are to make a rare performance together at halftime of the National Football League's Super Bowl in Atlanta.

Super Bowl officials said Wednesday that Naomi, who retired from concert touring in 1991, would join her daughter, Wynonna, during the halftime show's finale Jan. 30.

Wynonna, Clint Black, Travis Tritt and Tanya Tucker already had been scheduled to perform.

Heidi Fleiss says she never named names.

The February issue of Vanity Fair quotes the Hollywood madam as claiming that actor Charlie Sheen and producer Jon Peters were among those who hired her $1,500-a-night hookers.

In an interview with a Chicago radio station, Fleiss added: "That's not me. I don't talk that way, especially about other people. I was used as a pawn . . . Yes, I met this woman [Vanity Fair writer Lynn Hirschberg]. Yes, she spent time with me. No, I did not say those things."

Jim Nabors is awaiting a liver transplant because the hepatitis B virus is shutting down the organ.

In a segment that was to be aired Thursday on "Entertainment Tonight," TV's Gomer Pyle says he caught the disease in India, but that it was dormant for several years. It happened, he noted, when he showered after cutting himself badly with a straight razor while shaving.

"I just thought I would tell it than have people imagine a lot of things," said Nabors, 63.

Stephanie Seymour, whose dysfunctional relationship with Axl Rose long entertained enquiring minds, has reportedly given birth to a boy. Daddy is Peter Brant, owner of Interview mag, who hasn't quite divorced wife Sandy, mother of his other five kids.

Talk is growing that Albermarle County residents Sam Shepherd and Jessica Lange have split. He's said to have sought solace with another actress, Gena Rowlands. All the playwright's spokeswoman would say: "He's living with Jessica Lange." But loving . . .?

John Bobbitt and Lorena Bobbitt will get their divorce decree Monday. She faces a trial for dismembering him - the charge is malicious wounding. But he, acquitted of marital sexual assault, appears on a happier roll.

His 15 minutes of fame is being guided by Washington entertainment lawyer Paul Erickson, who ran Pat Buchanan's presidential campaign. "This is an adventure," said Bobbitt, 26. "I'm meeting people I wouldn't otherwise get to meet." Eyes up!

 by CNB