Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 7, 1994                   TAG: 9401080010
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


HVYHUNKA HUNKA: Elvis Presley's birthday will be celebrated Saturday night from 8 to 11 at the Roanoke Valley History Museum and in the atrium of Center in the Square.

The event will celebrate as well the museum's exhibit of Elvis photographs and memorabilia and artifacts from Kim Epperly's ``Little Graceland,'' a Roanoke landmark. The exhibit will continue through Feb. 25.

The party will include Elvis videos and music, a jitterbug contest and a 1950s costume contest. David Bowers, Roanoke's rockin' mayor, will be the emcee. It also will feature soda fountain food and drinks and a cash bar. It sounds like a way to warm up a winter's night.

Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at the museum today. It is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 342-5770.

SID CAESAR AND SID VICIOUS: Those are the two major influences on comedian Lord Carrett, who is appearing at the Roanoke Comedy Club tonight and Saturday night.

Carrett says he deals with adult situations without using offensive language. He has appeared on Showtime and Comedy Central, as well as at clubs across the country.

Show times are 8:30 and 11 each night. Admission is $7. Call 982-5693 for information and reservations.

UPCOMING: The UVa Jazzfest III will take place Jan. 28-30 in Charlottesville, and its title reads like a sporting event. The ``Bass Masters Classic'' will present talks and performances by virtuosi of the rhythm instrument, including Milt Hinton and Dave Holland.

Jazz videos, a musicians' workshop, panel discussion, jam session and exhibits of Milt Hinton's jazz photographs also will be on the bill. For concert information call (804) 977-6582. For accommodations at the Cavalier Inn, call (804) 296-8111.

CIRCUIT RIDER: David Rhoads, theologian and New Testament professor at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, will present dramatic portrayals from scripture around the area in mid-January.

Rhoads will give a presentation of ``The Gospel of Mark'' on Jan. 16 at 3:30 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church on Brambleton Avenue in Roanoke.

On Jan. 20, he'll speak at the Roanoke College's Convocation Series. That's at 11:15 a.m. in the Sutton Student Center Ballroom.

And on Jan. 21, he will take ``The Gospel of Mark'' to the Litton Reeves Auditorium of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg at 7 p.m.

For more information, call the Roanoke College Church Relations Office at 375-2268.

MONSTER SMASH: The United States Hot Rod Grand Slam Motor Jam will visit the Roanoke Civic Center coliseum Jan. 14 and 15 at 8 p.m. That means plenty of monster truck racing and its attendant sights and sounds. Tickets are $10 at the civic center box office.

TAKES BRASS: The Roanoke Symphony will present the Virginia Tech Jazz Orchestra in a special night of Big Band music Jan. 24. Joe Kennedy Jr. leads the group. Tickets remain available at $12, $16 and $18. Call 343-9127.

SING AND PLAY: oCindy Ressler of Norfolk will sing and play her guitar Saturday night at 7:30 at the Sedalia Center Coffeehouse near Big Island in Bedford County.

Ressler's repertoire includes country, folk, sea chanteys and original songs. She has performed for more than 15 years.

John Kaye will open the show. Admission is $5, and $2 for those age 15 and under. The center is on Virginia 638 off Virginia 122. Call (804) 299-5080.

 by CNB