Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, January 10, 1994                   TAG: 9401100068
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-3   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE: RICHLANDS                                LENGTH: Short


Tazewell and Wythe counties are vying for the support of a third Southwest Virginia locality to place themselves in the path of a new interstate.

Interstate 73, which is part of a National Highway System under consideration by Congress, could go through either county. Interstate 73 would run from Detroit to coastal South Carolina.

Both Tazewell and Wythe have sent requests to the Board of Supervisors in nearby Russell County asking the board to support routing the interstate through their respective counties.

At least three routes have been considered for the interstate through Virginia. The highway could enter Virginia from North Carolina through Martinsville, run to Roanoke along U.S. 220, and pick up U.S. 460 to Blacksburg. This route would run through Tazewell County.

Another possible route for the interstate enters Grayson County and passes through Smyth and into Tazewell County. A third alternative would put the highway through Wythe and Bland counties.

After considering the Tazewell and Wythe requests at a meeting earlier this month, the Russell County Board of Supervisors endorsed the Tazewell route.

Russell County Supervisor Danny Brown said Wytheville already has two interstates, 81 and 77, which intersect near the town. "I think it's time for another county to get one," he said.

The request from Wythe County was not acted on, but some supervisors said they were not opposed to having the proposed interstate come through Wythe County.

 by CNB