Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, January 13, 1994                   TAG: 9401130314
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


A PARENTING WORKSHOP, free to the community, is scheduled Jan. 28 and 29 at First United Methodist Church in downtown Salem. Dr. D. Ross Campbell, a Chattanooga, Tenn., psychiatrist and author, will be the leader. He will speak at the opening 7:30 Friday night session on "Kids Who Follow; Kids Who Don't." On the following day from 9 a.m. to noon, he will speak on "Why Kids Are Rejecting Christ."

Child care will be available. Call 389-5459 for more information.

\ BETHLEHEM BIBLE COLLEGE will observe Founders Day Saturday at 7 p.m. at Forest Park Baptist Church, 812 29th St. N.W. Speakers will be the Rev. Ray Arrington of Green Spring Baptist Church at Goodview and the Rev. Nelson Harris of Ridgewood Baptist Church of Roanoke.

The spring semester for the Bible college will begin Jan. 20 with classes held Mondays and Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. Studies in Jeremiah, Luke, Romans, 1 Peter and 2 Peter as well as two sessions on "Effective Preaching" will be offered.

For more information, call the registrar at 362-2586. Classes have been offered since 1987. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Woods is founder and president.

\ THE EVANGELICAL MINISTERS ASSOCIATION, which sponsors a monthly prayer breakfast at The Roanoker restaurant, has scheduled a panel discussion at 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 3. Featured will be the Rev. Kenneth Wright of First Baptist Church on North Jefferson Street; the Rev. Frank Feather of Forest Park Baptist; and Harold Sumner of Roanoke Valley Church of Christ.

The theme will be "Building Christian Relationships Based Upon Afrocentric and Eurocentric Experiences."

On March 3, Chuck A. Rife, a licensed professional counselor, will discuss "Ministering to the Homosexual."

\ A WORLD EVANGELIZATION CONFERENCE, led by Reinhard Bonnke, is scheduled Monday through Wednesday at the Roanoke Civic Center auditorium. Services will begin nightly at 7. For more information call Roanoke Valley Cathedral of Praise at 562-4615.

\ VIRGINIA HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH in the Raleigh Court area has begun the celebration of its 75th anniversary. The congregation marked the actual date of founding, Jan. 12, 1919, with a dinner, choir program and video presentation. The purchase of new hymnals is a goal of the 1994 celebration for which other events will be announced later.

\ TEMPLE EMANUEL, after a year of study, has announced guidelines for the role of the non-Jew in congregational worship. Outlined by Marc A. Platt, president of the Reform congregation, the guidelines say that non-Jews "are warmly welcomed to attend services . . . and upon invitation of the rabbi or pulpit chairman, participate in leading that worship." This participation applies to regularly scheduled services and life cycle events, such as Bar Mitzvahs.

However, participation in certain religious rituals, such as reciting the candle blessing or leading prayers on behalf of the congregation are not permitted for non-Jews. Platt explained that prohibitions are based on certain acts representing the Jewish community, and it is considered inappropriate for a non-Jew to do these. A non-Jew may open and close the doors of the Ark of the Covenant but may not read from the holy Scriptures, the guidelines state.

Clarifying guidelines have come about to permit many non-Jewish spouses to share in the life of the congregation so that families are less likely to become lost to the faith through divisiveness.

\ NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 4229 Welcome Valley Road S.W., has scheduled a concert by Roanoke gospel singer Joani Tabor on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. The program is free.

\ THE ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD of Carlotta B. "Lottie" Cochran will take place Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church in downtown Roanoke. Cochran, a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, has been an assistant rector at St. John's for the past six months.

\ Bishop Frank Vest, who serves the Diocese of Southern Virginia from which Cochran entered the ordained ministry, will officiate at the ordination.

\ COMMON GROUND, an interdenominational Christian gathering for prayer and praise, will meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Grace Covenant Church, 1857 Grandin Road S.W. It is open to all ages.

Deadline for religion briefs for Neighbors is Thursday. Material must be delivered to Neighbors Religion Briefs, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010, by noon in order to run in the following Thursday edition.

 by CNB