Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, January 14, 1994                   TAG: 9401140309
SECTION: VIRGINIA METRO                    PAGE: B3    EDITION: 
DATELINE: LEXINGTON                                 LENGTH: Medium


JOHENNING, Irene H., 86, of Lexington, died Wednesday, January 12, 1994, in Stonewall Jackson Hospital. She was the daughter of the late Samuel and Dorothy Knick Hartbarger, and was born June 15, 1907. She was married to the late Leon C. Johenning, a well-known Lexington businessman, who died on July 8, 1971. He was the inventor of the Leon's Turkey Caller, used by hunters nationwide. Mrs. Johenning was a businesswoman in Lexington for many years, the owner and operator of the Nancy B. Beauty Salon. She was a active member of the Lexington Presbyterian Church and taught in the Preschool Department for over 27 years. Mrs. Johenning was a member of the Lexington Business and Professional Women's Club; Lexington Women's Club; a member of the Lexington Garden Club and was a board member for several years. She was a founding member of Lexington Foreign Travel Club; and a member of the Ruth Anderson McCulloch Branch of APVA. Among Mrs. Johenning's many talents, she most enjoyed her decorative tole painting and gave many of her works away to special friends and family. Survivors include a son, Leon C. John Johenning II and a devoted daughter-in-law, Winifred Hughes Johenning of Lexington; three sisters, Miss Ferreba Hartbarger, Mrs. Lacy E. (Nanny) Wilkerson both of Lexington, Mrs. Archie (Patilee) Johnston of Colorado Springs, Colo.; a great-aunt, Mrs. Nancy B. Vick of Lexington and many nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be conducted 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 15, 1994, by Dr. L. Randolph Harrison in the sanctuary of the Lexington Presbyterian Church. Interment will follow in Stonewall Jackson Cemetery. The arrangements are being made by Williams Funeral Service, Route 11 North, Lexington and visitation with the family will be from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, January 14, 1994, at the Williams Funeral Service. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that memorial contributions be made to the Lexington Life Saving Crew, Spottswood Dr., Lexington and Lexington Presbyterian Church, 120 S. Main St., Lexington.

 by CNB