Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, January 15, 1994                   TAG: 9401150145
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


SAIED MOSTAGHIMI, associate professor of agricultural engineering, received the 1993 Ford New Holland Young Researcher Award at its international winter meeting in Chicago.

\ GORDON GROOVER of the agricultural and applied economics department was one of 22 extension farm management economists from 13 states to attend a financial aid workshop for farm management specialists at Noble Foundation headquarters in Ardmore, Okla.

The Golden Key National Honor Society recently held its annual membership induction. Two $1,000 scholarships were awarded to COLIN LUKENS REASONER of Huntsville, Ala., and JUDY PRATT MAYBERRY of Blacksburg. Honorary faculty members were SEAN ARTHUR, BEVLEE WATFORD, VIRGINIA McWHORTER, DAVID WEST, PATRICIA AMATEIS and LUCINDA ROY.

\ JAMES JOHNSON has been named extension project leader for natural resources in the university's College of Forestry and Wildlife Resources. He will coordinate the state's Cooperative Extension program in fisheries, wildlife, forestry, wood science and forest products.

\ OSCAR WILLIAMS, director for the Institute for Leadership and Volunteer Development in the Public Service Programs, and DOROTHY WHITE, a research associate in the institute, have been recognized by the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges for providing leadership development training to 12,000 black leaders in five Southern states.

The student chapter of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF HYBRID MICROELECTRONICS won two first-place awards at the 1993 symposium held in Dallas. The students won first place for being "most creative" and for displaying the "best extracurricular initiative or research."

\ Virginia Tech's INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT and its ADVISORY BOARD has formed an Academy of Distinguished Alumni. Outstanding Virginia Tech alumni will be nominated for induction in the academy.\ FOREST THYE, associate professor of human nutrition and foods in the College of Human Resources, received a $52,580 grant from Virginia Education for "School Lunch and Breakfast Programs of the Commonwealth of Virginia - An Analysis of the Participation."

\ RICHARD ELLIS, an assistant professor in the department of housing, interior design and resource management in the College of Human Resources, has received an appointment as a faculty consultant for the June Advanced Placement Program of the Educational Testing Service. Ellis will evaluate the economics examination.

\ ALBERT MOYER, professor of history and adjunct member of the Center for Study of Science in Society, traveled to Zhaoqing, China, as a delegate to the third United States-Japan-China Conference on Physics Education.

\ RICHARD RICH, professor of political science, and DAVID CONN, professor of environmental design and planning, recently organized and conducted a national workshop on strategies for communicating with the public before, during and after chemical emergencies. The event was funded by the Environmental Protection Agency.

\ STEPHEN WHITE, professor of political science, is the author of "Edmund Burke on Politics, Aesthetics and the Dangers of Modernity," published in the journal Political Theory. White's book "Political Theory and Postmodernism" is being translated into Japanese and his book "The Recent Work of Jurgen Hebermas" is being translated into Portuguese.

\ GEORGE GREEN SHACKELFORD, professor emeritus of history, has had his book "Jefferson's Adoptive Son: The Life of William Short 1759-1848" published by the University Press of Kentucky.

\ YOUNG-TSU WONG, professor of history, received the 1993 Scholar Award from the Virginia Social Science Association. He also gave a seminar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and published an article on "The Fate of Chinese Liberalism in Revolutionary China: Chu Anoping and his Circle, 1946-1950."

\ The Virginia Tech PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIETY of America was recognized at the national conference in Orlando, Fla., for the outstanding chapter newsletter in the mid-Atlantic district.

\ W. WAT HOPKINS, associate professor of communication studies, has published his third book, "Mass Communication Law in Virginia."

\ GEORGE THORN, associate professor of theatre arts, had his book "Toward a New Arts Order: Process, Power, Change" published by ARTS Action Issues, Inc.

\ MAHA KHALED, a Ph.D. candidate in the chemistry department, has been awarded a full-year fellowship of $13,500 from the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry.

\ GRACE BAUER of the English department has had her book of poems "Where You've Seen Her" published by Pennywhistle Press. Her book "The House Where I Never Lived" has been published by Anabiosis Press as a winner of its 1993 chapbook contest.

 by CNB