Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 16, 1994                   TAG: 9401160142
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: E11   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE: BLACKSBURG                                LENGTH: Short


The Virginia Tech men's and women's indoor track squads opened their 1994 season Saturday as the host of a meet in which Appalachian State, Richmond and James Madison competed against each other.

The Tech men won all three of their meets, defeating Appalachian State 86-83, James Madison 116-42 and Richmond 120-38. The Hokies won two women's meets and lost one. The Tech women beat Richmond 81-54 and James Madison 76-65, but lost to the Mountaineers 78-73.

Meredith Newby led the Hokies' women with two first-place finishes. She won the 20-pound weight and shot put. Newby's toss of 13.55 meters broke her school record of 12.93 meters, which she set last season.

In men's highlights, Brett Matthews won the 1,000 meters in 2 minutes, 32.5 seconds and Matt Zacharias won the 3,000 meters, closely followed by teammate Ed Layman. Salem High School graduate Keith Moyer finished third in the 55-meter dash and 200 meters.

 by CNB