Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, January 17, 1994                   TAG: 9401170006
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 5   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From wire reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


If it hadn't been for the newspapers she was carrying when she got on the elevator, Mila Bertelli of Eggio, Italy, might have had a boring morning . . . and evening and next day and most of the day after that.

Bertelli, 47, was stuck in the elevator between the second and third floors of her apartment building for 58 hours from Wednesday to Friday until her husband came home and called the fire department.

Viareggio is a seaside resort city whose population thins out during the week. When Bertelli, from Florence, got stuck, there was no one in the building.

"I started to shout, to bang on the door, to call for help," she said. "Nothing. Time never seemed to pass."

To keep her mind occupied, she read the papers. After they ran out, she said she daydreamed about the Caribbean.

Call a cop! Former Los Angeles police chief Daryl Gates says he's been robbed.

The alleged culprit is the radio station that took him in after his reluctant retirement.

Gates contends KFI-AM reneged on a promised bonus for raising ratings on his talk show. His contract wasn't renewed and he ended the 15-month broadcast stint on Dec. 31.

He hired a lawyer to seek arbitration through a union representing talk-show hosts.

Gates joined the radio station after civic pressures forced his retirement amid criticism of the LAPD's 1992 riot response and the beating of Rodney King. He told the Los Angeles Times that KFI program director David Hall promised a bonus "in the five figures" if he could improve his ratings to the extent that he did.

Station officials did not return calls.

Hillary Rodham Clinton will reportedly join Barbra Streisand Jan. 27 on stage at the Universal Amphitheater in Los Angeles - not to duet "The Way We Were," but to jack up interest in a huge AIDS event. Also said to be lined up for the show are Whitney Houston, Bruce Springsteen, Richard Gere, Liza Minnelli and The Rockettes.

Meanwhile, Streisand kicked in $200,000 to the new fund created in memory of Virginia Kelley to fight breast cancer. On the last weekend of her life, the president's mother took in Streisand's New Year's Eve show in Las Vegas.

 by CNB