Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, January 25, 1994                   TAG: 9401250194
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Ian Spelling
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


1. What is Keiko O'Brien's (Rosalind Chao) maiden name?

2. In the "Next Gen" episode "The Big Goodbye," what office number does the intrepid Dixon Hill (Patrick Stewart) occupy?

3. What did Spock (Leonard Nimoy) do for the first time in the dramatic "Trek"-classic episode "The Devil in the Dark"?

4. Can you recall what happened on Oct. 12, 1974?

5. "It has been said that social occasions are only warfare concealed." Who made that rather militaristic comment?

6. On which starship did Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) serve before going aboard the "Next Gen" Enterprise?

7. If a Klingon friend said, "NuqDaq yuch Dapol?," what would he or she be asking you?

8. He played Mel Sharples on the popular TV show "Alice," Lt. Gubbins on the short-lived detective drama "Khan" and Jojo Krako in the lively "Trek"-classic episode "A Piece of the Action." Who was he?

9. In which "Trek" film was the Enterprise NCC-1701-A introduced?

10. Who provides the dramatic reading for the Simon & Schuster Audio version of the V.E. Mitchell novel "Windows on a Lost World"?

11. Why did Major Kira (Nana Visitor) protest so vehemently when Commander Sisko (Avery Brooks) allowed a Valerian ship to dock at the space station in the "Deep Space Nine" episode "Dramatis Personae"?

12. Why was Marina Sirtis "bummed" about the "Next Gen" episode "Night Terrors"?


1. Ishikawa. For a while, the character went by the name Keiko Ishikawa O'Brien, but now she is known as Keiko O'Brien.

2. Room 312. (Thanks to Steve Rubin of Chicago for this question.)

3. In communicating with the Horta creature, Spock used the Vulcan mind-meld for the very first time.

4. "The Counter Clock Incident," the final animated "Star Trek" episode, aired on that day.

5. Khan Noonian Singh (Ricardo Montalban).

6. The U.S.S. Wellington. (Thanks to Jamie Henderson of Toronto.)

7. Believe it or not, that Klingon phrase means "Where do you keep the chocolate?"

8. The late Vic Tayback, who made a career of playing tough, gruff guys.

9. "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" (1986).

10. Walter Koenig.

11. She believed the Valerians were supplying weapons-grade dolamide to the Cardassians.

12. Sirtis had lost some weight and was not too happy when the stunt double used for the episode's flying sequences turned out to have a bigger rear end than she does. At conventions and in interviews the actress makes it clear that the tush on view in "Night Terrors" is not hers.


Susan Bay, wife of Leonard Nimoy, returns as Adm. Rollman in the "DS9" episode "Whispers," airing the week of Mon., Feb. 7. . . . Gabrielle Beaumont, "Trek's" first and only female director, goes back behind the camera for the "Next Gen" episode "Lower Decks," airing the week of Mon., Feb. 7. . . . If your local video store doesn't carry the musical-video tour of the universe called "Patrick Stewart Hosts `The Planets,' " call (800) 235-2153, ext. 203, to order a copy. The videocassette is $16.98, the laser disc is $29.98 (plus shipping and handling). . . . "Trek" veterans George Takei, Carel Struycken and Julie Newmar co-star in a Western/science-fiction spoof called "Oblivion." Takei plays an alcoholic town sheriff in the film, which was scripted by screenwriter/"Trek" novelist Peter David. Paramount Pictures has tentatively slated "Oblivion" for a September release.


Creation at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Ark., featuring Marina Sirtis. (Call 818-409-0960.)

Neurocon at the Sea-Tac Radisson Hotel in Seattle. (206-244-6000)


If you have Trek news or trivia to share - or if you have questions relating to "Star Trek" - write to Ian Spelling, care of the features department, Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010-2491. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a reply.

 by CNB