Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, January 26, 1994                   TAG: 9401260399
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: B-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Ziff-Davis to put magazines Online

Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. said this week it will provide the contents of its magazines - including PC Magazine, PC Computing, PC Week, Mac User, Mac Week, Computer Shopper and Computer Gaming World - in the new publishing service, the Interchange Online Network.

Rob Lippincott, vice president of Ziff-Davis Interactive, the Cambridge, Mass., company that is developing the system, said tests of the service would begin within six weeks.

The company plans to offer nationwide commercial service in the fall. Prices have not been set but probably will be $10 to $15 a month for basic services, plus an hourly fee for extended use, he said.

- New York Times

Tyson Foods bids for WLR of Virginia

SPRINGDALE, Ark. - Tyson Foods Inc., the nation's top poultry producer, said Monday it has proposed to acquire WLR Foods Inc., the No. 8 poultry processor.

WLR Foods, based in Hinton, Va., is among the top three turkey processors in the country, Tyson said. Sales for its fiscal year ended July 3 were about $167 million.

Under its proposal, Tyson said, WLR shareholders would receive $30 a share for the merger. Or they could negotiate a tax-free reorganization under which they would get part cash and part Tyson stock.

Tyson set a Feb. 4 deadline for a response. - Associated Press

Crystal Brands seeks court haven

NEW YORK - Crystal Brands Inc., the maker of Izod, Gant and Salty Dog brand clothing, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy court protection to reorganize its finances. The filing follows three difficult years for the Southport, Conn.-based company.

As part of its restructuring, the company said, it will consider selling its costume jewelry operations.

Crystal Brands lost money in each of the first three quarters of 1993. It lost $75.3 million in 1992 and $71.4 million in 1991.

The company said it had a commitment for $75 million in credit from Citibank, subject to bankruptcy court approval, that will help it operate while under court protection. - Associated Press

 by CNB