Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, January 29, 1994                   TAG: 9401290106
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: B-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: associated press
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jet slides off runway, forces closing at Dulles

CHANTILLY - A jet that went off an icy runway and skidded into a grassy area forced officials to close Dulles Airport for almost two hours Friday morning.

There were no injuries among the 101 passengers and five crew members aboard the DC-9 operated by ValuJet, an Atlanta-based regional airline.

Airports authority spokeswoman Tara Hamilton said the jet was moving down the runway when the pilot aborted the takeoff and the plane kept going.

The incident occurred at about 9:45 a.m. and the airport resumed normal operations at 11:35 a.m.\ - Associated Press\ \ Teen gets life term in robbing, slaying

ABINGDON - A 17-year-old who planned to live a life of leisure in Mexico after robbing and killing a neighbor was sentenced to life in prison plus 66 years.

Jason E. Talbert of Glade Spring was sentenced Thursday to life for first-degree murder, 60 years for armed robbery and six years on two counts of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. A jury convicted Talbert in November for the Nov. 11, 1992, death of 33-year-old Gina J. Anderson.

Authorities said Talbert and Jonathan D. Coleman, a high school classmate, concocted a scheme to steal money and a car for a getaway drive to Mexico. The two had a change of heart by the time they reached Bristol and never made it out of Virginia.

Coleman, who testified against Talbert, pleaded guilty in September to charges of being an accessory to murder and armed robbery. He was sentenced to a 42-year prison term.\ - Associated Press\ \ Minister mugged at Richmond hotel

RICHMOND - A minister in town for a prayer breakfast was robbed while talking on a pay phone to his wife in a downtown hotel lobby.

"As I was speaking to her, someone approached me from behind and put a pistol behind my ear and said: `Don't move,' " the Rev. David J. Bonney said. "I told him calmly, `Fine, take what you need and leave.' "

Bonney, the pastor of Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church in Martinsville, lost his wallet and $150 in the mugging Wednesday at the downtown Richmond Marriott.

It was the first known armed robbery inside the Marriott since it opened in September 1984.\ - Associated Press

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