Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SUNDAY, January 30, 1994 TAG: 9401280048 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: F-2 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: Compiled by Mary Linn DATELINE: LENGTH: Long
CLIFFORD A. CUTCHINS, a director of Roanoke-based Shenandoah Life Insurance Co., has been elected chairman of the board of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority in Vinton. Cutchins Cutchins, retired chairman of Sovran Financial Corp., now NationsBank Corp., is a Virginia Beach resident. On the recreational facilities authority, Cutchins succeeds LAWRENCE H. HAMLAR of Roanoke, who was the board's chief elected officer since 1988.
The board, appointed by the governor of Virginia, oversees the administration of Explore Park in Roanoke and Bedford counties, through a contract with the nonprofit River Foundation.
M. RUPERT CUTLER of Roanoke was appointed executive director of the authority. He will continue as director of Explore Park and supervisor of the River Foundation's park staff.
Others elected to authority offices are Vinton Mayor CHARLES R. HILL, vice chairman of the board; PEGGY MOLES, principal of Roanoke County's Oak Grove Elementary School, secretary; River Foundation Executive Assistant PENNY LLOYD, assistant secretary; and River Foundation bookkeeper LOUISE HUNLEY, treasurer. ROLANDA SYDNOR MOORE of Roanoke was elected a member of the board of directors of the authority. She succeeds WILLIAM F. HAWKINS, who has resigned.
ROBYN C. LINDAMOOD has joined the Roanoke accounting firm of Cole & King. She was formerly with Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co. Lindamood is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is on the Young CPA's committee of the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants.\ ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS
DAMON M. LITTLEFIELD has been promoted to structural department head at Spectrum Engineers P.C. in Roanoke. He has nine years' experience in structural engineering design and project management with federal, state, and local government clients as well as private commercial, industrial, and manufacturing clients. In addition to his duties as structural department head, Littlefield will be assisting in business development and client relations for the firm.
LORA J. KATZ has joined the staff of Motley + Associates, architects and planners. Katz is a registered architect and an interior designer. Her duties will include the establishment and management of an interior design component at the firm.\ \ BANKING
RICHARD G. TILGHMAN, chairman and chief executive officer of Crestar Financial Corp. in Richmond, has been appointed Fifth Federal Reserve District representative on the Federal Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve System.
\ JERRY PERKINS of Virginia First Savings Bank, was elected president of the Roanoke Valley Mortgage Bankers Association, a chapter of the Virginia Mortgage Bankers Association.\ \ FINANCIAL
MARTHA M. GIBBS has been promoted to operations manager of Wheat, First Securities Inc.'s Roanoke office. Gibbs joined the firm in 1978. She became operations supervisor in 1984 and was promoted to associate vice president in 1989.
\ BRIAN V. WILSON has joined the Roanoke office of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. as an account executive. He formerly worked for Mead Johnson, a pharmaceutical company.\ \ HEALTH CARE
DONNA R. LAWHORN has been appointed director of admission services at The Berkshire Health Care Center in Vinton, a subsidiary of Medical Facilities of America. Also at The Berkshire, CARLA R. LEACH has been named director of social services.\ \ INSURANCE
JOSEPH H. SURKAMER JR. of The Equitable Life Assurance Society is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, which is presented to agents who produce at the Million Dollar Round Table level for at least 20 years.\ \ NONPROFITS
ANGELICA D. LLOYD, general counsel at Shenandoah Life Insurance Co., was named board chairwoman of the United Way of Roanoke Valley. She succeeds GLENN O. THORNHILL JR. of Maid Bess Corp. Lloyd has been a member of the United Way board since 1988. ROBERT C. LAWSON JR. of Crestar Bank was elected chair of the 1994 general campaign. JAMES W. AREND of Atlantic Mutual Cos. and HOUSTON L. BELL JR. of Roanoke Memorial Hospitals received the F. Wiley Hubbell award for outstanding volunteer service to the United Way. Also, SUE W. ROBERTSON was elected vice chair and chairwoman-elect and JOHN B. WILLIAMSON III of Roanoke Gas Co. was elected treasurer.
Elected division chairs were JOSEPH H. VIPPERMAN of Appalachian Power Co., planning; ROBERT G. LEE of WDBJ-TV, marketing and communications; BARBARA KURSHAN of Educorp Consultants, community problem solving; and J. RUDY AUSTIN of Gentry, Locke, Rakes & Moore, administration.
Elected to the board were DR. ORRIN W. CLIFTON, orthodontist; H. CLARK CURTIS, Hamlar-Curtis Funeral Home; DORMAN FAWLEY, Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley; NEIL A. GALLAGHER, ITT Electro-Optical Products Division; JOHN G. HEITZ, Atlantic Mutual Cos., ROBERT G. LAWSON JR., Crestar Bank; DON W. MAYBERRY, Norfolk Southern Corp.; STEPHEN A. PURVES, Roanoke Memorial Hospitals; and DANIELLE YARBER, Dillard Paper Co.
Re-elected for a second three-year term were WILLIAM F. HAWKINS, Meritus Health Systems; BARBARA KURSHAN, Educorp Consultants; KARL N. MILLER, Lewis-Gale Hospital; JAMES R. THORNE, Kroger Co.; GLENN O. THORNHILL JR., Maid Bess Corp.; and JAMES M. TURNER, J.M. Turner & Co.
MIKE BLANKENSHIP, manager of Peebles Inc.'s Christiansburg store, has been appointed regional manager for Peebles' western Virginia region. He will supervise store operations in Christiansburg, Covington, Lexington, and Rocky Mount.
Information on personnel changes of interest to people in business should be sent to this column, C/O the Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010.