Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 30, 1994                   TAG: 9401280340
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Mary Burwell Holland and Mickey Mark Johnson were married Saturday, December 4, 1993, at St. John's Episcopal Church in Roanoke. The Reverend Thomas P. O'Dell officiated. The bride was escorted to the altar by her brother, Mr. W. Robert Holland, Jr., and was given in marriage by her father, Mr. William R. Holland. Mrs. Theresa H. Dixon, sister of the bride, served as honor attendant. Mr. J. Fred Johnson, father of the groom, served as the best man. Mrs. Mariann J. Huffman, friend of the bride, was guestbook attendant. A reception followed the ceremony at The Shenandoah Club in Roanoke.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Holland of Roanoke. She is a graduate of Patrick Henry High School and Mary Washington College. She is employed as a senior territory manager for Bankers & Shippers Insurance Company. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. J. Fred Johnson of Ruckersville and the late Betty Wood Johnson of Bedford. He attended Liberty High School and Lynchburg Community College and is employed as an account executive for WSLS TV-10.

Following a wedding trip to Aruba, the couple is residing in Roanoke.

 by CNB