Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 30, 1994                   TAG: 9401300183
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C13   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: From Associated Press reports
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Poultry magnate Frank Perdue has agreed to pay part of the bill for a new minor-league baseball stadium in Salisbury, Md.

Peter Kirk, who heads the group trying to bring minor-league baseball to the Eastern Shore, has told Wicomico County officials he would like to locate the team in Salisbury. County Council President Henry Parker, however, has said the county does not have the money to help pay for a new stadium, estimated to cost $6.5 million.

Under a plan offered by Kirk, the county and city would pay about $2.2 million. Kirk, Perdue and the state of Maryland would pay the rest. Perdue has agreed to pay $2 million and donate 30 acres of land for the stadium, Kirk said.

The proposed stadium would seat about 5,000. Kirk said the team most likely would play in the Class A South Atlantic League. He has stated in the past that he would like the team to be a Baltimore Orioles affiliate.

Monte Irvin, Buck Leonard and Satchel Paige are among the stars of the old Negro Leagues who appear in the film "Kings on the Hill: Baseball's Forgotten Men" to talk about the way it was before African-Americans could play in the major leagues.

The San Francisco Giants and major-league baseball are making the film available to schools, cultural centers and some universities in the Bay Area in conjunction with Black History Month.

 by CNB