Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, January 30, 1994                   TAG: 9401300193
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C12   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: From staff reports
DATELINE: BUCHANAN                                LENGTH: Medium


James Fisher scored 18 points, including the tying basket with 15 seconds left in regulation, and Craig County defeated James River 56-49 in overtime Saturday night in Pioneer District boys' basketball.

Craig County (2-5 overall, 1-3 Pioneer) led 47-42, but Fisher made a 3-pointer to cut it to two points. James River's Chris Firebaugh missed the front end of a one-and-one and Fisher got loose for a layup that sent the game to overtime.

The Rockets were 5-of-6 from the free-throw line in the extra period and outscored the Knights 9-2.

Craig County also got 16 points from Robby Huffman and 11 from Gary Abbott.

James River (2-6, 1-3), which missed 10 of 17 free throws, was led by Shahan Burrell with 12 points and Brian Shorter with 11. CRAIG COUNTY (56)

Huffman 16, Blankenship 5, T. Fisher 4, Peters 2, Abbott 11, J. Fisher 18. JAMES RIVER (49)

Shorter 11, Minnis 8, Peery 8, Firebaugh 8, Tolley 2, Burrell 12. Craig County 11168129-56 James River 101312122-49 Three-point goals: J. Fisher 3, Huffman 2. JV: James River, 49-27.

Liberty 81 Brookville 57

BROOKVILLE - Craig Coleman scored 20 points, including three 3-point goals, and the Minutemen pulled away in the second half for a Seminole District victory.

Liberty led 32-23 at halftime and 57-41 after three quarters. Stephen Shrader added 18 and David Ross 16 for the Minutemen (11-1).

Brookville (5-7) was led by Jason Gorsline with 23 points and Dwayne Rhodes with 15. LIBERTY (81)

Coleman 20, Shrader 18, Ross 16, Reynolds 8, Coles 6, Jacobs 6, Richie 3, Brookshire 2, Sharpe 2. BROOKVILLE (57)

Gorsline 23, Rhodes 15, Mallow 8, Alexander 4, Inge 3, Freeman 2, Landrum 2. Liberty 16162524-81 Brookville 8151816-57 Three-point goals: Coleman 3. JV: Liberty, 74-59.

Staunton River 66 Nelson County 65

MONETA - Jeff Woodward's free throw and bonus gave the Golden Eagles (6-5, 6-5) the room they needed to defeat the Governors in the Seminole District.

After tightening its defense and holding Nelson County to five points in the third quarter, Staunton River hit 14 of 24 free throws in the fourth quarter. The misses included two technicals and a missed front end of a one-and-one with a minute remaining that might have iced the victory. The Golden Eagles hit 19 of 36 free-throw attempts.

Woodford's two free throws put Staunton River up 66-62. Jerry Page's 3-pointer at the buzzer gave Nelson County its final points.

Geoff Zimmerman's 20 points led Staunton River, Jeff English added 12 and Cornelius Foxx added 11. Woodford finished with 10 points, including 4-for-5 free-throw shooting.

Delane Fitzgerald led Nelson County with 14 points, Shawn Martin had 13 and Chris Simpson 11. NELSON COUNTY (65)

Hawkins 4, Simpson 11, Gray 4, Barber 8, Page 3, Thompson 8, Fitzgerald 14, Martin 13. STAUNTON RIVER (66)

Foxx 11, Zimmerman 20, Harris 4, Woodford 10, English 12, L. English 3, Collins 4, Barns 2. Nelson County 1021529-65 Staunton River 13151622-66 Three-point goals: L. English, Simpson 2, Page. JV: Staunton River won.

William Byrd 90 North Cross 65

The Terriers came alive in the fourth quarter and turned back the Raiders in a non-district game at North Cross.

William Byrd led 61-55 after three quarters, but outscored the Raiders 29-10 in the final period. Michael McGuire led the way with 21 points, seven in the fourth quarter.

Donald Childress added 19 points, Jeremy Obenchain 17 and Chris Childress 15 for William Byrd (8-5).

North Cross (6-6) was paced by Monty Smith, who had 22 points and 11 rebounds. Marcus Cardwell added 18 points and 10 assists. WILLIAM BYRD (90)

Michael McGuire 21, Forbes 2, C. Childress 15, Tuck 6, D. Childress 19, Muddiman 4, Bryant 4, Obenchain 17, Bradberry 2. NORTH CROSS (65)

Watkins 2, Cardwell 18, H. Johnson 13, Rea 8, J. Kelly 2, Smith 22. William Byrd 19251729-90 North Cross 16172210-65 Three-point goals: McGuire 3, Cardwell, H. Johnson. JV: William Byrd, 55-23.

Oak Hill 101 Doss 57 LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Alex Sanders led five scorers in double figures with 26 points as the Warriors swamped Doss.

Mark Blount added 23 points and Roanoke native Curtis Staples had 19 for Oak Hill (23-1), which led 51-25 at halftime and never looked back.

The Dragons (12-5) got 21 points from Stefon Shackles. OAK HILL (101)

Sanders 26, Blount 23, Staples 19, Johnson 13, Carnes 10, Turner 4, Smith 6. DOSS (57)

Shackles 21, Hampton 17, Harrison 11, Warrick 2, Hines 3, Robertson 2, Persley 1. Oak Hill 24272228-101 Doss 13121418-57 Three-point goals: Staples 3.

 by CNB