Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, February 12, 1994                   TAG: 9402140323
SOURCE: Rick Lindquist
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


Several churches have announced activities and services for the Lenten Seasono:

The Lenten Concert-Worship series at CHRISTIANSBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 107 W. Main St., is in its 16th year. The Rev. Vernon Miller, the church's pastor, will present a series of meditations, "The Many Sides of the Cross." A light meal will be offered in the fellowship hall. Concerts and devotionals will be held in the sanctuary. Donations are welcome to help defray meal expenses. Here's the February schedule:

Feb. 16: Supper, 6:15 p.m., concert, 7 p.m., with Fayth Rittenhouse, vocalist, and Kathryn Hollandsworth, piano. Worship at 7:30 p.m.

Feb. 23: Supper, 6:15 p.m., concert, 7 p.m., Willing Workers Gospel Choir. Worship, 7:30 p.m.

For more information, call 382-2802.

LUTHER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCHo, Prices Fork and Toms Creek roads, Blacksburg, will mark the start of Lent with a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper Tuesday 6-7:30 p.m. An offering for the World Hunger Appeal and the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry will be taken.

Ash Wednesday will be observed with a brief scripture and prayer service and Holy Communion at noon, and the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion at 7 p.m.

The men of GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Radford, will hold their annual all-you-can-eat Shrove Tuesday pancake supper Tuesday in the Bullard Room of the parish house. Proceeds will benefit the World Hunger Relief Fund. Donation: $3 for adults, $2 for children.

A seven-week long celebration of the love of God will begin Ash Wednesday at BLACKSBURG CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ), 240 Watson Ave., across from Gilbert Linkous Elementary School.

The litany of cross and symbols will be visible to those passing by the church in the form of a seven-foot high wooden cross with a large heart. Two smaller crosses will join the larger one the second week of the observance.

The Rev. Johnny Loughridge will deliver a series of sermons based on themes from Mark, John and Matthew. Sunday services begin at 11 a.m.

For more information, call 552-4810.

SAINT JUDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tyler Road, Radford, invites all non-practicing Catholics to Mass Sunday, 11 a.m., for "Welcome Home for Lent." A reception will follow. Call 639-5341 to learn more.

Share lunch and Christian devotion Fridays at noon, as various Christiansburg congregations take turns serving as hosts of community worship, built around the theme "Put on the armor God Gives!" an exhortation from Paul. The Christiansburg Ministerial Association sponsors the series, which starts Friday at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 1845 Cambria St.

On Feb. 25, Asbury United Methodist Church, Stuart and Chapel streets will be the host church.

Call the Rev. Mark Briehl, 382-2223 or 381-1558, for additional details.

Five congregations representing four denominations in Blacksburg have announced their annual series of Wednesday night Lenten programs. Locations and speakers will be rotated. The theme is "What Unites Us - What Divides Us."

Programs start at 6 with a meal served by the host church. The message and discussion follow at 6:45.

The series opens Feb. 23 with Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond speaking at St. Mary's Catholic Church.

Child care will be provided for those through elementary school age.

In Pulaski, CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH will sponsor five Wednesday night community programs with a theme of ``Save the Children.''

The Lenten series begins with potluck meal at 6 at the church followed by a message and discussion ending by 7:30.

On Feb. 23, the Rev. Duane Steele, pastor of Gladesboro Lutheran Church, Hillsville, will offer music to highlight the theme. Trinity Lutheran Church of Pulaski will join the Episcopalians in this program by the blind musician.

Other programs will follow. Everyone is welcome.

Morgans Chapel United Methodist Church in New River, near Radford, will sponsor the CONCERT CHOIR OF EMORY AND HENRY COLLEGE Sunday at 7 p.m. The choir has toured the U.S. and abroad and has performed on radio and television.

Charles R. Davis, who founded the choir in 1958, is now in his 35th year as conductor.

Admission is free, but an offering will be received to help the choir with its travel expenses. For more information, call Linda Hanshew, 639-0324.

Also making a joyful noise:

The Happy Hearts will sing at Grace Assembly, 2030 Redwood Drive, Christiansburg, tonight at 7. Call Pastor Bob Goldstein, 381-0055, for more information.

The monthly gospel sing at the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers union hall, Peppers Ferry Road, Fairlawn, starts tonight at 7. Featured will be the Highland Gospel Singers and The Gospel Strings, along with The Custer Family and Heavenly Visions.

Admission is free, and video cameras are welcome. Carl Ratcliffe can tell you more at 382-7571 or 382-4654.

Southern gospel duo Bob and Sandy Mullins will be at Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church, Pembroke, Sunday, 7 p.m. For directions, call the Rev. Max Brown, 626-3838.

The BREAD FOR LIFE program, sponsored by the Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic and Baptist student groups and the university's honors program is a series of Monday lunch-hour forums will focus on justice. Here's the schedule for February; all forums start at noon:

Monday: Craig Waggaman, "International Justice," Heth Lounge C.

Feb. 21: Russell Gregory, "Religion and Justice," Heth Lounge C.

Feb. 28: Valerie Barlow, "Race and Justice," Heth Lounge C.

Everyone's welcome, and bread, peanut butter and jelly, along with coffee and tea, will be available.

The Lynchburg College LAY THEOLOGY COURSE begins Monday in several Disciples of Christ churches in Western Virginia. In Radford the Rev. Dr. Gina Rhea will teach day and evening sessions at First Christian Church, 400 Tyler Ave.

To learn more or to sign up, call Rhea at 639-3696.

"Was Galileo's Trial Really a Matter of Science vs Religion or Just Politics as Usual?" will be offered by Dr. Joe Pitt Sunday, 10:30, at the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP of the New River Valley, 1301 Gladewood Drive, Blacksburg.

A discussion follows the service.

Call 552-8050 or 552-4749 to find out more.

Reggie Remple, a hearing impaired evangelist, will preach at GETHSEMANE BAPTIST CHURCH, Radford, Feb. 25-27. All services start at 7 p.m., and will be interpreted for the hearing and hearing impaired.

Special activities will start at 2 p.m. Feb. 26, followed by a potluck supper at 5 p.m. Remple will preach at Sunday school, morning worship and evening worship services on Feb. 27.

Nursery and transportation are available for all services. For more information, call 731-1160 or 639-3059.

PILOT PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH, 4491 Old Pike Road (Virginia 615) opens its free clothes closet to the public Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-noon.

Find out more by calling 382-4443 or 745-2214.

CHRISTIAN SINGLES FELLOWSHIP, an interdenominational group, meets every Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at 501 Progress St., Blacksburg (at Faculty and Progress streets).

In Religion is a regular Saturday feature of the New River Current. Please send news of your church or religious organization in care of Rick Lindquist, New River Current, Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 540, Christiansburg 24073. Clear, sharp photographs accompanying news items are welcome. Items must be received by noon Wednesday for use in that week's column.

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