Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, April 2, 1994                   TAG: 9404040181
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: A-6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Bankruptcy court gets 4 petitions

Four business-related petitions have been filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Western Virginia in Roanoke:

Peter B. Dodd of Blackhorse Lane in Roanoke asked for liquidation. He said he is manager of the Poplar Forest Golf Course and has an interest in Virginia Golf Sales of Forest and Brookside Par 3 Golf in Roanoke. He listed assets of $83,790 and liabilities of $477,375.

Larry Eugene Wilson and Lynn Michelle Wilson of Hiwassee, operators of a cleaning service, filed for liquidation, listing assets of $8,250 and liabilities of $55,731.

Guynne W. Bryant and Brenda B. Bryant of Radford sought liquidation, listing assets of $9,900 and liabilities of $35,333. They operate a cleaning service.

Donald C. Stanley and Delilah M. Stanley of Wise asked for liquidation. He has a handyman and repair service. They showed assets of $42,410 and liabilities of $60,652.

- Staff report

Briefly ...

Tay-Jee Software, a Lexington distributor, said Friday it has signed a software publishing contract with National Systems Technology Inc. of Chandler, Ariz. The agreement calls for National Systems to distribute Tay-Jee's products to major retailers, including Target and Kmart stores.

Expert Edge Inc., a Roanoke consulting engineering firm and developer of engineering computer software, said it has released its MetriCAD VI.O software for revising dimensions in engineering drawings.

 by CNB