Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 5, 1994                   TAG: 9404050117
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: LOS ANGELES                                LENGTH: Medium


Darryl Strawberry, who disappeared from the Los Angeles Dodgers for a day, has a substance abuse problem and has been placed on the disabled list, the team announced Monday night.

General manager Fred Claire said Strawberry immediately will enter a treatment center, and he could not predict when - or if - the outfielder will rejoin the team.

"Darryl Strawberry has admitted having a substance abuse problem and has requested assistance from the Dodgers," the team said in a statement.

Claire did not say specifically whether Strawberry, who has been treated for an alcohol problem, was having trouble with drinking or drugs.

Strawberry's attorney, Bob Shapiro, said: "He is not going to be playing on Opening Day, he is going to be in a drug treatment center."

The Dodgers start their season today at home against Florida.

Strawberry met with Claire on Monday to discuss his mysterious absence Sunday, which prompted an all-day search by the Dodgers. When the Dodgers located him Sunday night, Claire said Strawberry did not have a sufficient explanation for his disappearance.

Claire, speaking at a news conference, would not disclose Strawberry's initial explanation.

"What he told me yesterday would have been an unacceptable reason to me," Claire said. "What he told me today shed new light on the situation."

This was the latest in a series of personal problems that have plagued Strawberry since he broke into the majors with the New York Mets in 1983.

"He's dealing with a problem that goes beyond the game," Claire said. "He did deal previously with a problem with alcohol. This is a substance abuse problem."

Strawberry will be paid while he is on the disabled list. The Dodgers owe him $8 million for the last two seasons of a five-year, $20.25 million contract.

Asked if Strawberry will play again for the Dodgers, Claire said, "I think that's uncertain. I don't know the answer to that."


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