Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, April 10, 1994                   TAG: 9404100170
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: C-8   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Staff report
DATELINE: CALLAWAY                                LENGTH: Medium


The first sign that Kenny Wagner and Dudley Lawhorn were going to run a tight race Saturday night came when they qualified with identical times of 14.34 seconds.

Wagner, the rookie, chased Lawhorn, the veteran, for 81 laps before assuming the lead. Wagner went on to win the 100-lap Late Model Stock Car feature of the B-99.9 300 at Franklin County Speedway. The victory was Wagner's first in the Late Model division.

Wagner, from Rocky Mount, has won numerous FCS races in the Street Stock competition, but in 1994 plans to contend for the Late Model points title.

"[Tonight] was good, clean, tight racing," said Wagner, who lightly tapped Lawhorn several times before passing. "I didn't want to try real hard to get around, because I didn't want to mess either one of us up. But with about 40 laps to go, I thought it was time to make a move."

Rocky Mount's Steve Lynch, last year's Mini Stock champion, finished third, one spot ahead of Bobby Parker.

Lawhorn, last week's winner, lost his right rear wheel with 11 laps to go, but returned to finish fifth.

Jay Peery held off two charges from Red Hartman to win the Pure Stock division. Hartman, last week's winner, started at the rear of the field, but challenged for the lead on lap 20.

Hartman and Peery collided, spinning Hartman, who fell back to the rear. He rallied again to finish third, just behind Kevin Ransom.

Roanoke's Phillip VanDerVeer, defending Street Stock champion, notched his first 1994 win, outrunning last week's winner, Mike Dudley. Dale Marlowe edged Leon Dalton for third.

Neal Amos captured the checkered flag in the Rookie race. Amos twice previously had been the first car across the finish line, but never before made it through the post-race inspection. Last week's winner, Chuck Floyd, placed second, and Marc Racel finished a career-best third.

Jimmy Cox won the Mini Stock race. Gary Joyce and Steve Lam placed second and third, respectively, a flip-flop of their finish last week.

In the Any Car nightcap, Ernest Hylton was the winner. Anthony Bailey and Eddie Brandon placed second and third, respectively.


 by CNB