Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 12, 1994                   TAG: 9404120031
SECTION: BUSINESS                    PAGE: C-7   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Here is a list of new Western Virginia corporations and the names of their registered agents filed March 18-24 with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. For more details, call (804) 371-9733.

Artisans Kitchens & Bath Inc., George A. McLean Jr., Roanoke

Brambleton OB-GYN Associates P.C., Tommy Joe Williams, Roanoke

Brammer Cleaning Service Inc., Bradley D. McGraw, Roanoke

The Buchanan Foundation, Alexander I. Saunders, Roanoke

Carpet-Care Inc., Jeff North Jr., Bedford

Conway Motor Co. Inc., N. Conway Hutton, Saltville

DLA Construction Inc., Malcolm G. Crawford, Lexington

Dominion Broadcasting Corp., Conrad M. Knight, Martinsville

Dynamic Air Inc., James M. Young, Salem

East Coast Mining & Construction Inc., Ronald Allen Lovern, Roanoke

Ecology/Techonology Inc., Gary D. Crowder, Roanoke

Fat Moon Rising Ltd., Charles F. Barnett Jr., Roanoke

Gifts of Art Inc., James M. Delp, Chilhowie

Grand Gormet Inc., David Lee, Roanoke

Landsdowne Park Residents Council Inc., Henry L. Adkins Jr., Roanoke

Little Biz Inc., Tommy Joe Williams, Roanoke

Murdock & Co., George Murdock, Bedford

New River Kinematics, Charles F. Reinholtz, Blacksburg

Oddz and Indz Inc., Wayne Anthony Hicks, Roanoke

Paulamaral Inc., William H. Lindsey, Roanoke

Phillips Farm Inc., Kenneth W. Phillips, Riner

Providence Timber Inc., J. Colin Campbell, Independence

Quality Distributors Inc., David Lee, Roanoke

W. Matthew Skewes M.D. P.C., W. Matthew Skewes M.D., Dublin

Tek-Tow Inc., Don Peyton Whited Jr., Blacksburg

Tub Run Corporation, Robert P. Rymanski, New Castle

Virginia-Carolina Enterprises Inc., Dwight E. Compton, Hillsville

Wytheville Seafood Corp., Thomas B. Baird Jr., Wytheville

Lyf-Tym Building Products Co. Inc., Mary E. Maynard, Roanoke

Western Financial Services of Va. Inc., Mark Duncan, Ridgeway

The Western Sizzlin Interntional Services Corp., Victor F. Foti, Roanoke

 by CNB