Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, April 13, 1994                   TAG: 9404130066
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


THE JMU ASSISTANT is the Keydets' choice to replace Joe Cantafio as basketball coach.

Bart Bellairs, an assistant at James Madison, has been offered the head basketball coach's job at VMI, sources close to the program said Tuesday.

Bellairs, who was in Lexington late last week to interview with athletic director Davis Babb and the institute's search committee, is expected to accept the position. He did not return phone messages Tuesday at the JMU basketball office.

On Monday, Bellairs confirmed his interest in the job and said he found the opportunity to rebuild the Keydets' program appealing. VMI went 10-45 the past two seasons under Joe Cantafio who was hired March 21 as the head coach at Furman.

"They have strong alumni support and a strong wish to improve," Bellairs said. "I'm an enthusiastic person and I think I can do it."

Bellairs, 37, played at Warren Wilson (N.C.) and was a graduate assistant at Western Illinois before becoming the head coach at Division III Wilkes (Pa.) College.

Current JMU coach Lefty Driesell added Bellairs to his staff at Maryland for the 1985-86 season. Bellairs then spent two seasons as an assistant at Massachusetts before rejoining Driesell in Harrisonburg in 1988.

There was no official word from VMI, but Babb indicated last week he wanted to hire someone by today, the first day colleges can sign recruits for the spring period.

Former Keydets assistant Pete Strickland, now an assistant at Old Dominion, was thought to be the leading candidate for the job. Strickland said Tuesday he had not heard from Babb since his interview in Lexington on Sunday.

"I think they're ready to move, but they haven't contacted me," said Strickland who is also being considered for the head coaching vacancy at Old Dominion, which was created last week when Oliver Purnell left for Dayton.

In addition to Strickland, three other coaches who interviewed for the VMI position said Tuesday they had not heard from Babb regarding the job: North Carolina-Charlotte assistant Kevin Billerman, Bluefield coach Walt Ayers and Charleston, W.Va., attorney and former VMI standout Gay Elmore.

Navy assistant Emmett Davis and Emory & Henry coach Bob Johnson also interviewed for the job but could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

 by CNB