Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, April 14, 1994                   TAG: 9404140324
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Satellite conference set at NRCC

DUBLIN - A satellite teleconference, "The Entrepreneur's Clinic: How to Take Your Technology to Market," is planned for Monday from 1 to 4 p.m. at New River Community College. There is no charge. Call Sandra Cockerham in the Office of Technology Assistance and Transfer at 674-3643 if you plan to attend.

Salsa approved for state program

PULASKI - Koli's Mexibilly Salsa, a product of Mexibilly Salsa Products, Inc. of Pulaski, has been approved by the Virginia Department of Agriculture for Virginia's Finest Program. The special state program recognizes premium quality standards and encourages Virginians to actively support local, homegrown products.

Koli's Mexibilly Salsa is stocked near the chips in New River Valley Wade's grocery stores and other food markets.

Chamber seeks nominations

BLACKSBURG - The Greater Blacksburg Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the Eugene Jones Small Business Service Award and the Small Business Person of the Year Award. Awards will be announced at the monthly luncheon on May 17. Details and nomination forms are available by calling the chamber office at 552-4061.

Spreading word on Adopt-A-Highway|

RICHMOND - Companies are helping Virginia's Department of Transportation by featuring information about the state's Adopt-A-Highway program. In March, 132 Food Lion stores in the state printed information on their grocery bags.

During April, Domino's Pizza stores will deliver more than 130,000 fliers with their pizzas describing the Adopt-A-Highway project. A toll free telephone number will be on the fliers for citizens to call.

 by CNB