Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 15, 1994                   TAG: 9404150024
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 11   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Jeffrey Sagansky, the chief programmer who led CBS from the ratings basement to No. 1 and earned extraordinary financial bonuses in the process, is leaving the network.

Following months of speculation about his plans, Sagansky informed his bosses in New York that he is not renewing his contract. As expected, Sagansky will be succeeded by Peter Tortorici, his longtime lieutenant, who has been named president of CBS Entertainment.

Sagansky said he has no definitive plans, but it was time to move on after 4 1/2 years.

\ The day before Kurt Cobain's body was found in Seattle last week, wife Courtney Love was rushed to a hospital with a possible overdose and was later booked on drug charges by Beverly Hills, Calif., police.

A police spokesman said officers went to the pricey Peninsula Hotel on April 7 to check on reports of drug use and found paramedics taking Love, 28, to Century City Hospital. When she left the hospital she was charged with possession of heroin and drug paraphernalia. She posted $10,000 bail and faces a May 5 arraignment.

Love told a Seattle TV station Wednesday that Cobain was on heroin when he killed himself, noting that narcotics were found next to his body. A Seattle newspaper said tests showed heroin and Valium in Cobain's bloodstream.

"Kurt was very depressed," Love said in the TV interview. "Some people have thin skins. He tried things like Prozac but opiates were what made him feel better."

\ Pink Floyd still has it. Its 14th album and first studio effort since 1987, "The Division Bell," will debut at No. 1 next week on Billboard's album chart after selling 465,000 copies, the year's best first-week sale. That's more LPs sold than the next four albums combined, which include Bonnie Raitt's "Longing in Their Hearts" and the soundtrack from the movie "Above the Rim."

 by CNB