Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SATURDAY, April 16, 1994                   TAG: 9404160056
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: B-9   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Actor Dudley Moore is set to walk down the aisle today with longtime girlfriend Nicole Rothschild - less than a month after he was arrested on charges of beating her.

Attorney Alan Sigel said the couple was simply "delighted" at the prospect of being married and had put their past misunderstandings behind them.

Cancer has slowed Henry Mancini. It has not silenced him.

Two months after being told he has inoperable cancer, the award-winning composer still plans to finish the score for a Broadway musical and to appear at a gala birthday tribute.

He says work is the best therapy he knows.

"It's a strange thing," Mancini said. "When I write, I don't think of anything but what I'm doing. I don't feel any different when I'm writing. I just go."

Mancini's 70th birthday was Friday. On Tuesday he will be saluted by Julie Andrews, Dudley Moore, Quincy Jones, Andy Williams, John Williams and Luciano Pavarotti.

The affair has raised $2 million for the UCLA Center for the Performing Arts and the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.

"It's truly amazing," said Mancini, who promised to limit himself to closing remarks.

The Sylvester Stallone-Janice Dickinson wedding march is said to be stalled over a prenuptial pact. He reportedly wants her to take $1 million a year for each year of marriage up to the first five of legal union, plus $250,000 a year in walk-around money (WAM), after which a new deal would be negotiated. She's reportedly holding out for $2 million a year, plus $1 million a year WAM, plus $1 million for having his kid, who was born in February.

 by CNB