Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, April 17, 1994                   TAG: 9404170074
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-9   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: The Washington Post
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Joe Theismann has spiked another one.

The former Redskins quarterback has separated from his second wife, the one-time Miss America finalist Theismann married three years ago after a celebrated split from girlfriend Cathy Lee Crosby.

This time, Joe has flown the coop for a Memphis cosmetics salesclerk whom he reportedly met last year at a trade show in Norwalk, Conn.

"I should have known better," Jeanne Caruso Theismann, 34, said during an interview Friday in a Loudoun County, courthouse where she and Theismann, 44, were waiting for a judge to determine how much Joe should pay in temporary support. "He racked up a lot of frequent-flier miles going to Memphis."

Sound awfully familiar? It should. Shortly after Theismann split from his first wife, Shari, 10 years ago, he went public about his relationship with actress-model Crosby. And then six years later, Theismann left Crosby, whom he hadn't married, to be with Jeanne Caruso, whom he eventually married.

Then two months ago a tabloid magazine published a photograph of Theismann with Robin Smith, a salesclerk, getting off an airplane in Los Angeles. It wasn't until Friday, however, when the Theismanns were seen by a reporter heading into divorce court that they both acknowledged that they were seeking a permanent separation. Jeanne Theismann said that while she suspected something was wrong for months, she wasn't sure about her husband's fling until she found out Joe was taking Smith to Hawaii using an airplane ticket that was originally made out to her.

"Joe said he wanted to go by himself, so I said fine," Jeanne Theismann told a reporter, wiping away tears with her hands. "But then when I called to find out what happened to my ticket, the airline said Joe had changed the name on the ticket to Robin Smith."

 by CNB