Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, April 18, 1994                   TAG: 9404180054
SECTION: VIRGINIA                    PAGE: C-4   EDITION: STATE 
SOURCE: Associated Press
DATELINE: LEWISBURG, W.VA.                                LENGTH: Short


Arraignment was scheduled today in Greenbrier County Circuit Court for a former Virginia beauty queen charged with trying to kill the family of a romantic rival.

Tracy M. Lippard, 22, of Charlottesville, Va., was indicted April 6 on three counts of attempted murder and one count each of malicious wounding, carrying a concealed weapon, brandishing, improper use of registration plates and bringing stolen property into the state.

Lippard, a former Miss Williamsburg and a 1993 contestant for Miss Virginia, is accused of plotting to kill Melissa Weikle, 24, and her parents, Rodney, 50, and Carlynn, 47.

Lippard and Melissa Weikle both dated Todd Scott of High Point, N.C., and Lippard apparently was jealous because Weikle became pregnant by him, police say.

Police say Lippard, after crowning her successor as Miss Williamsburg on Feb. 26, drove to the Weikles' home in Ronceverte, W.Va. On the way, she put a stolen license plate on her car, police say.

She hit Rodney Weikle on the head with a hammer when he let her into the house, police say. The former Secret Service agent subdued Lippard with his wife's help.

Lippard also had a 9mm pistol, a butcher knife, lighter fluid and matches with her, police say. They say she planned to kill the family and burn the house down.

Lippard is free on $42,000 bond.

 by CNB