Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: MONDAY, April 18, 1994                   TAG: 9404190016
SECTION: NEWSFUN                    PAGE: NF-3   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Wendi Gibson Richert
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


We should take care of the environment every day, but there is a special day set aside to celebrate saving our planet. That day is Earth Day, which is Friday. The theme for this year's Earth Day is ``The time has come to love our Earth''

April's issue of National Geographic World offers these tips on how to love our planet:


Use the power switch on your TV or VCR to turn it off. If you use a remote control to turn off your TV or VCR, the TV or VCR continues to receive a low level of electricity.

Turn your computer system off at night and on weekends.

Open window shades and curtains in the winter to let in the sun's heat. Close them in the summer to keep heat out.

Cut apart the rings of plastic six-pack soda holders. A bird or other small animal may strangle if its neck gets stuck in a ring after you throw it away.

Earth Day will be celebrated in Roanoke at Virginia's Explore Park on Saturday. More than 30 exhibits on air, water, soil and home and alternate energy sources will be set up. Special programs will include storytelling by American Indians, watercolors for beginners, living history demonstrations, General Electric's electric car, local musicians, nature photography, bird watching and an introduction to the Save Our Streams program. Bring a picnic lunch and car-pool because parking is limited. For more information on Explore's big day, call 427-3107.

 by CNB