Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 22, 1994                   TAG: 9404230008
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Five years ago, Roanoke's Julie Hunsaker walked right up to movie director John ``Polyester'' Waters and told him, ``I loved your movie `Hairspray,' and if you ever need a fat girl who can dance, give me a call.''

When he eventually called her, Waters didn't ask his fan to dance. He wanted her to be his production assistant in charge of the extras in his new movie, ``Serial Mom'' - which opens today at The Grandin Theatre (which Hunsaker owns).

Hunsaker also managed a sneak appearance in ``Serial Mom.'' You can spot her blond head in the courthouse scene when Ricki Lake is selling souvenirs from her mother's trial. Hunsaker's in line behind the woman who says, ``Some days I feel like killing someone myself.''

After the Waters' film, Hunsaker's filmmaking career took off again when her daughter, Lee, called her from the set of ``Bad Girls'' in Del Rio, Texas. Lee was the casting assistant there and needed some experienced help from Mom. (``Bad Girls'' also opens today at the Grandin and at Valley View Mall 6.)

Working with the female cowboy film was ``just like cowboy camp,'' says Hunsaker. ``We went to parties and danced in Mexico every Saturday.''

Hunsaker, by the way, got her wish and danced for Waters, too. But not on camera.

``Who would think five years later I'd be rolling back his oriental carpet and dancing to Johnny Cash!'' she laughs. ``With John Waters clapping on his couch saying, `Get it girl!'''

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