Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: TUESDAY, April 26, 1994                   TAG: 9404270005
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 2   EDITION: METRO 
SOURCE: Ian Spelling
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


1. How are the ``Next Gen'' episodes ``The Child'' and ``Devil's Due'' related to the ``Star Trek II'' television series?

2. Who wrote ``Transformations,'' the new direct-to-audio story chronicling the adventures of Captain Sulu?

3. He was Lance Henriksen's son in ``The Horror Show'' (1989), appeared with Christina Applegate in ``Streets'' (1990) and was one of the four kids who killed mortician John Glover in the ``Undertaking Pallor'' episode of HBO's ``Tales from the Crypt'' series. Who is he?

4. Who was Kirok?

5. Who played Captain Rixx in the ``Next Gen'' episode ``Conspiracy''?

6. In the ``Deep Space Nine'' episode ``Babel,'' a mug shot of the Bajoran geneticist Dekon Elig was visible on a computer screen. Whose face was actually shown?

7. When a d'k tahg, a three-bladed Klingon weapon, was needed for the ``Next Gen'' episode ``The Bonding,'' what did senior illustrator Rick Sternbach do?

8. Chris Sarandon, who recently guest-starred in the ``DS9'' episode ``Rivals,'' worked with ``DS9'' regular Nana Visitor in a 1977 horror-thriller. Name the film.

9. What is butlh?

10. Mark Shepherd has portrayed Morn, the lounge lizard at Quark's Bar, since ``DS9's'' inception. What does the name Morn signify?

11. This actress starred in the film classic ``Lost Horizon'' (1937) and appeared in the 1950s television series ``Father Knows Best.'' She later played an important role in a ``Trek''-classic episode and reprised that same role 20 years later in a ``Trek'' feature film. Can you name the actress, the episode and the film?

12. What did the Reliant and the Enterprise, as seen in ``Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'' (1982), have in common?


1. The scripts for both episodes were created for use on the ``Trek II'' series, which was abandoned in order to make ``Star Trek: The Motion Picture'' (1979). The scripts were later revamped and used for ``Next Gen.''

2. Dave Stern, a former ``Trek'' editor at Pocket Books, wrote the story, which is read by George Takei on both the audiocassette and CD versions.

3. He is Aron Eisenberg, aka Jake Sisko's pal Nog on ``DS9.''

4. While suffering from amnesia and residing on Miramanee's planet in the ``Trek''-classic episode ``The Paradise Syndrome,'' Kirk (William Shatner) thought his name was Kirok.

5. Michael Berryman portrayed the Bolian captain. The tall, bald actor, best known for the cult hit ``The Hills Have Eyes'' (1977), also appeared as a communications officer in ``Star Trek IV'' (1986).

6. The face on view, Bajoran nose and all, was that of visual-effects producer Dan Curry.

7. A prop d'k tahg was not available, but Sternbach remembered that one had been used by a Klingon to kill David Marcus (Merritt Butrick) in ``Star Trek III'' (1984). Sternbach found a trading card from that film depicting the weapon, then created a new d'k tahg based on the card's photograph.

8. It was ``The Sentinel'' and it marked Visitor's big-screen debut.

9. Butlh is the Klingon word used to describe dirt under the fingernails.

10. Morn is an anagram for Norm, the ``Cheers'' lounge lizard played by George Wendt.

11. Jane Wyatt played Spock's (Leonard Nimoy) mother Amanda in the episode ``Journey to Babel'' and reprised the role in ``Star Trek IV'' (1986).

12. The Reliant bridge was actually a refurbished Enterprise bridge set.

Trek specs

Malcolm McDowell, best known for his memorable performances in Stanley Kubrick's ``A Clockwork Orange'' (1971) and Nicholas Meyer's ``Time After Time'' (1979), will play Soran, the main villain, in ``Generations.'' ... Look for John Schuck, who portrayed the Klingon Ambassador in ``Trek IV'' (1986) and ``Trek VI'' (1991), as the Cardassian Legate Parn in ``The Maquis, Part II,'' airing next week on ``DS9.'' ... Michael Jan Friedman's novelization of the ``Next Gen'' finale ``All Good Things ...'' will be available in hardcover from Pocket Books on May 22. The Simon & Schuster audio version, read by Jonathan Frakes, will be available the same day.

Trek alert

If you have Trek news or trivia to share - or if you have questions relating to ``Star Trek'' - write to Ian Spelling, care of features department, Roanoke Times & World-News, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010-2491. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a reply.

 by CNB