Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: FRIDAY, April 29, 1994                   TAG: 9404290127
SECTION: NATL/INTL                    PAGE: A-2   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


Because of incorrect information provided to the newspaper, the score of the April 22 Cave Spring-William Fleming softball game was incorrect in Saturday's newspaper. Cave Spring won 42-1.

Some incorrect information supplied to the newspaper was published in a story in Tuesday's Sports section. Darrell Craft, a Roanoke College golfer who went to Patrick Henry High School, was injured as the result of an accidental fall.

Because of incorrect information provided to the newspaper, the first names of three Northside girls were wrong in a report Thursday on a track meet at William Byrd High School. The three girls are Emily Hallett, Cara Thompson and Jill Cooper.

Because of a copy editor's error, the score in the report on the Patrick Henry-Salem girls' soccer game was incorrect in some editions of Tuesday's paper. It should have been Patrick Henry winning 4-1 with Heather Moore scoring Salem's goal.

Because of a reporter's error, Rebecca Scheckler's name was misspelled in an April 21 story about the Montgomery-Floyd Library Board's decision to retain "Daddy's Roommate" on the shelves in its children's sections.

 by CNB