Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, May 5, 1994 TAG: 9405050036 SECTION: SPORTS PAGE: B-5 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Short
Of the 32 invitees, who must have been born after Jan. 1, 1976, Tim Duncan of Wake Forest and Dominic Ellison of Washington State were the only collegians. Staples is one of 16 incoming college freshmen; the other 14 players will be seniors in high school in the fall.
Minnesota coach Clem Haskins will direct the team, which will represent the United States at the Junior World Championship qualifying tournament Aug. 26-Sept. 3. Finalists for that team will be announced Sunday after trials at the U.S. Olympic Training Center.
Staples, named Mr. Basketball in Virginia by the Roanoke Times & World-News, is one of seven invitees named player of the year in their respective states by USA Today.
- Staff report