Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, May 5, 1994 TAG: 9405060085 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-8 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: New River Valley bureau DATELINE: RADFORD LENGTH: Short
The exitwas reopened Wednesday, said David Clarke, assistant resident engineer for the Virignia Department of Transportation.
The reopening may help ease worries about traffic congestion for Radford University's Saturday graduation ceremonies, and provides motorists with another option as they look for alternate routes to Radford and Pulaski County while the Memorial Bridge is closed for repairs.
Clarke said the 105 exit was closed to northbound motorists while crews poured new concrete on the deck of the Virginia 232 bridge at Exit105 and patched some of the piers by removing old concrete and adding new.
Motrists should drive cautiously over the bridge at Exit 105 because pavement markings will not be finished until Friday.
- New River Valley bureau