Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, May 25, 1994                   TAG: 9405250034
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 10   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


For performance writers

A performance workshop for writers of poetry, lyrics, fiction, non-fiction, plays and technical writings will be held on June 11 from 1 to 4 p.m. on the fifth floor of Roanoke's Center in the Square. Actor/writer Patricia Johnson will lead the workshop in topics including the stage, energy, breathing, rhythm and character.

The registration fee is $15, which benefits SPARKS, a community-based multimedia performance organization. For more information, call 343-9607.

Barter doing 'Foxes'

ABINGDON - Barter Theatre is performing Lillian Hellman's ``The Little Foxes'' as its season opener now through June 18.

Hellman, a native Southern writer, depicts the South during its emergence from the Civil War and entering the 20th century. Its characters are members of a family seeking their place in the new South.

```The Little Foxes' is the Southern classic,'' said Barter's artistic director, Richard Rose. ``Lillian Hellman was the greatest Southern writer of all time, and, given Barter's history and prominence in the South, no theater is better suited to re-examine and re-explore her work.''

The play is directed by Robert Walsh. Its cast includes Michael Champagne, who had previous Barter appearances in ``Dulcy,'' ``On Golden Pond'' and ``Home of the Brave''; Dennis Creaghan, who appeared in the London production of ``Little Foxes'' with Elizabeth Taylor; Jacqueline Knapp, who recently performed in the Tony Award-winning ``Dancing at Lughnasa''on Broadway; Michael Medeiros, seen in Barter's 1993 production of ``Frankie & Johnny in the Clair de Lune''; Edwin C. Owens, whose Broadway credits include ``Caesar and Cleopatra''; Nicholas Piper, familiar to audiences from five seasons of leading roles in Barter's First Light Theatre; Jessie Givelber, Will Hines, Sharon Hope and Marya Lowry.

The period costumes are by Amanda Aldridge; the scenic design recreating a 19th-century home by Lisa Cody, and lighting design by Linda O'Brien.

Reservations and further information are available by calling 628-3991 locally or toll-free 1-800-368-3240.

Funds for cancer patient

An event to raise money for a Craig County woman who needs a bone marrow transplant will begin Saturday at 8 a.m. at the Catawba Community Center.

Dana Garman, 33, was diagnosed with breast cancer in December. She has undergone surgery and chemotherapy, and her physician has recommended a marrow transplant. The fund-raiser is to help offset anticipated expenses of up to $150,000, of which $90,000 might be required in advance. Her insurance carrier has denied coverage.

Saturday's activities will include coffee, ham biscuits, baked goods and a rummage sale at 8 a.m, an auction at 10 a.m. and a prize drawing at 5 p.m. Throughout the day, music, children's games, arts and craft sales and food sales will be available.

Contributions may be sent to the Dana Garman Fund, Account No. 37885, Farmers and Merchants Bank of Craig County, P.O. Box 399, New Castle, Va. 24127.

Garman is married and has three children, ages 5, 2 and 1.

For information, call 384-6129, 864-5828 or 864-6703.

 by CNB